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Dog hernia

Symptoms of Dog Hernia:

Hernia in dogs is very similar to hernia in humans.

This condition is characterized by the formation of a bulge in the skin caused by the inflammation of tissue or an organ. Sometimes, the organ becomes so inflamed that it creates a tear in the muscular walls. When this happens, the organ protrudes with only the skin to protect it. There are a variety of hernias that are caused due to inflammation of the various different organs of the body.

Here are some of the common hernias in dogs:

  • Dog umbilical hernia: These are typical hernia formations along the middle of the stomach, right next to the belly button.

    This is also often known as dog abdominal hernia. Though this hernia may seem to be dangerous, it doesn’t pose any real health problem. Any dog can develop this kind of hernia.
  • Inguinal dog hernia: This hernia occurs in the hind part of the dog where the abdomen meets the hind legs.

    This kind of hernia usually occurs when the dog suffers an injury. Another cause could be a genetic or birth defect in the hind portion of the dog. In this hernia, the intestines get inflamed and this disrupts the normal digestion of the dog.
  • Perineal Dog Hernia: This hernia occurs near the anus and is caused when the muscles around the tail become weakened. Older dogs are more prone to developing such hernias. If this hernia is not corrected immediately, it can cause problems in excretion. Male dogs are more susceptible to this health problem.
  • Diaphragmatic Dog Hernia: In diaphragmatic hernias, dogs suffer the most. The muscle of the diaphragm gets ruptured and the vital organs which are present in the lower abdomen like the intestines, stomach and liver may enter the chest area. This hernia is usually caused due to an injury or a congenital defect. This has to be surgically corrected.

Dog Hernia Signs:

The symptoms of hernia vary, depending on the organs that are involved. You may see a protrusion in the dog’s body. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Abdomen is fluctuant and soft.
  • Fever.
  • Breathing is fast and laborious or there may be shortness of breath.
  • There is a red colored swelling on the skin.
  • Presence of gangrene in the organ.

Treatment for Dog Hernia:

The only known treatment for dog hernia is surgery. The protruding and inflamed material is usually removed and the muscle walls are stitched together. There are other disinfecting procedures involved if the hernia has caused gangrene.

  Submitted on January 12, 2010  

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