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Dog cystitis

Dog Cystitis

Cystitis in dogs refers to an inflammation that occurs in the dog’s urinary bladder.

It could include any disease that causes the inflammation. This condition is more common in female dogs. Cystitis is usually the result of an infection, caused by the presence of bacteria in the bladder. When the intrusive bacteria reach the bladder, they then travel to the outer-wall of the muscle that forms the bladder.

This causes the infection to worsen. When this happens, the dog’s urine tries to fight and halt the infection. If this defense system does not succeed and the infection worsens because the urine does not contain enough acids, the dog may experience a burning sensation in his bladder. In this situation, the microscopic blood vessels will rupture and leak into the dog’s urine, giving it a pink tint.

Furthermore, in natural response to the inflammation, the muscles of the dog’s bladder will contract, leading to a continual state of spasm. This will make the dog urinate small amounts, more frequently. Other causes of cystitis in dogs could include polyps or a tumor in the bladder, bladder stones or diverticula.

Dog Cystitis Symptoms

Symptoms of dog bacterial cystitis are as follows:

  • Difficulty in urinating properly
  • Urinating a lot more frequently than before
  • The presence of blood in the urine that is produced.

One symptom noted in most cases of bacterial cystitis is hematuria, which refers to blood in the dog’s urine. The dogs may also spend several minutes trying to pass urine in small amounts. In case you notice these symptoms in your dog, you may need to conduct a few more tests, which include - bladder palpation, urine culture and urinalysis. The bladder palpation test is done to check for bladder stones. The urine culture test first determines the presence of any bacteria and then identifies which antibiotics would be most effective. The urinalysis test consists of many tests which help in detecting any abnormalities in the urine, as well as the urine sediment. While these tests confirm the presence of cystitis, they may not determine its cause.

In order to treat dog cystitis, it is important to know its cause. In case the condition is caused by bacterial infections, it can be treated with the use of antibiotics. If cystitis is caused by bladder stones, the stones will either need to be removed surgically or dissolved through diets and medication. Diverticula and benign polyps can be removed surgically. Unfortunately, treating a malignant bladder tumor may not always be successful.

Acute cystitis, also known as a urinary tract infection, is not really harmful to the dog in the early stages. It can go undetected for a while, till the symptoms become evident. There are also cases, where this condition has passed on its own, without taking any medication. However, as soon as you notice the first signs, don’t leave it alone for a long time, or the infection will only get worse.

  Submitted on May 19, 2010  

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