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Canine Training Information, Collars | Canine Training Tips, Info

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:42 am

Canine Training Information

While starting to train your canine it is advisable to not begin his training in a canine park as they tend to be rather dangerous for the canine and especially puppies on account of the unpredictable nature of certain breeds of canines which may result in your canine getting hurt or injured. Secondly on account of the hug amount of distractions in the canine park, it may be difficult to hold onto your canines attention while training him a particular command. Canine training information on early puppy training is easily available over the internet or you may even speak with a professional trainer or the vet. The first thing to train a canine or a pup when you bring them into the house is where they are required to expel. Housebreaking is an essential part of any canine training info as it establishes the basic discipline in the canine and also ensures that the canine does not become a nuisance. Canine training information should also cover how to train and manage canines when there are multiple canines in the same house as canines tend to get very territorial and possessive about their space and their belongings which could result in aggression.

Training a canine would invariably also include different form of positive reinforcement in the form of treats praise, petting and even the clicker which is a fairly new development in canine training. Some trainers or canine owners may actually reinforce negative behavior by giving the canine a treat or hugging or petting the dig is he behaves badly like barking excessively. Sometimes a canine may also obey the command out of fear for the trainer or the handler rather than him wanting to actually please them. This is not desirable while training a canine. Another section of canine training info typically covers crate training which is a method of housebreaking a canine wherein the dig is put into a crate which it cannot get out of during the night and for short periods of time during the day as it is observed that a canine would almost never urinate or defecate in its den. Canine training should be an integral part of owning a canine as it helps in developing a mature and responsible canine. The owner is also able to command the respect of the canine as he has more control on the canine’s behavior and actions thereby not allowing it to be a nuisance to other people.

Negative Reinforcement Dog Training | Negative Ways to Train Dogs

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: — Nik @ 5:28 am

Negative Reinforcement Dog Training

The debate over negative reinforcement dog training versus positive reinforcement dog training is one that has been raging forever and shows no signs of abating. The conflicting views and heated arguments that take root from the varying beliefs of dog owners the world over can be quite confusing and distracting to a new dog owner who needs to come up with a dog training plan.

Although there are various differing techniques that different owners use to train their dogs, most of these techniques fall squarely into two categories – negative and positive dog training. Positive reinforcement dog training is the more recent development, prior to which most training techniques revolved around negative reinforcement. Methods of negative reinforcement training have been harshly criticized as being cruel, draconian, and ineffective by proponents of the positive reinforcement training. Although there is some truth in these claims, negative reinforcement dog training is not really the evil it is often portrayed as being. There is however a time and a place for it, and its effectiveness and necessity are limited to certain situations. This said, the perfect dog training routine would be one that uses a combination of both negative and positive reinforcement dog training techniques.

Proponents of positive dog training may still dispute this, but there is no denying that some extent of negative reinforcement training is necessary. It does help to create an aversion to certain behaviors in the dog that could create a problem for not just humans but for the dog as well. For example, if your dog has a habit of chewing on wires, posing a risk of electrocution and fire, you could use negative reinforcement techniques to train your dog against this. This works like conditioning, wherein you can coat the wires with a bitter unpleasant tasting substance like apple cider vinegar. The dog will develop an aversion to chewing on wires, solving the problem.

Negative reinforcement dog training typically involves punishing a dog for any action or behavior that is deemed inappropriate, and could involve techniques varying from yelling at the dog, an electric shock, or even choke collars. Confinement is also a kind of negative reinforcement. This treatment of dogs has quite naturally attracted criticism for valid reason. Animal behaviorists and trainers have found that most animals don’t learn to well from negative reinforcement. For example training a dog to come when it is called and punishing it if it does not respond does not help at all and will only make the dog fearful. On the other hand giving the dog a treat and some fussing when it responds to the training can work wonders. The main criticism of negative reinforcement dog training is that it can create potentially negative emotions in the animal, such as anger, aggression, and fear. These emotions are in turn responsible for most behavioral problems, spawning a vicious cycle.

How to Stop Dog from Jumping | Train Dog Not to Jump

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:52 am

Stop Dog from Jumping

It is essential to train one’s dog from the time they are puppies itself on how to sit, stand, fetch and lie down. But more importantly one should train the dog not how to be toilet trained and also how not to jump up on people. This is especially important in the case of large dog breeds that can easily knock over a person or a child. They will also need to be trained not to jump up on furniture. When an owner or a trainer is trying to train dog to not jump they will need a few items to begin with. They will need some dog toys, some dog training equipment or aids and some dog treats which they can use to reward the dog with.

When trying to stop a dog from jumping up on the furniture or any other piece of household item, the owner or trainer will first need to take the pup or the dog off the furniture piece. When they do say they should say “off” at the same time. When an owner or a trainer tries to train their dogs the younger the dog or pup the faster do they learn. One should always remember to be consistent in the training as the dog get easily confused. For example when one is training a dog not to jump on furniture and you punish the dog on one day but ignore the situation on the other day. It is also essential when training a dog not to jump on furniture tops that the owner also does not leave any food items etc on top of furniture or tables etc. As these temptations a dog does find difficult to resist and will end up jumping up. Another useful tip is to restrict the puppy’s roaming area to include areas which do not have any furniture pieces which have nesting qualities. This is especially so for the owner is not around and the dog is alone at home. It is also essential to stop one’s dog from jumping up on people even if it’s a form of greeting or welcome. Again this behavior should be curtailed from the time they are puppies to be most effective. Here again the owner or trainer needs into be consistent in their teaching. They should not permit the dog to even jump up on them and lick them.

Good Dog Training | Best Secrets, Tips, Techniques to Train Dogs

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:47 am

Good Dog Training

Dogs are a great animal to have as a domestic pet. Raising and taking dog care can, however, be a challenging job. It is essential right from an early age that your dog gets behavior training from you. This will establish the dog’s behavior patterns for its whole life and is the difference between a loving and manageable pet and a crazy dog that makes your life difficult.

Good dog training begins with an establishment of superiority on your part. You should train your dog in such a way that it knows you are the master of the house. This will help your dog be obedient more often and is important if you ever want to have control over your dog. Beating your dog to train it is not recommended and can be illegal. This will simply create fear rather than adulation in your dog’s mind. When you are training your dog, you can use the theory of reinforcement in order to win your dog over. Reinforcement is the theory that when a desirable action is performed, then a prize is offered and when the action is not performed, the prize is withdrawn. It is extremely important to use this technique with consistency as it will confirm the connection in your dog’s head between a good action and a prize.
When this basic training is being conducted, you should incorporate some regular words that can be understood by your dog. Using the same word every time you want your dog to stop doing something can be understood by your dog over a period of time. Establishing these words is important because when you have visitors and other family members around your dog, it is easy to control it. A simple word like ‘stop’ or ‘no’ can be used as dogs are intelligent enough to understand this.

You can consult the web or some books for other dog training tips and dog training secrets. The real key to making your dog behave well is that your dog should respect you. This requires you to spend a lot of time with your dog playing and generally fooling around. Dogs love to get rid of their pent up energy and enjoy socializing with their owners. A simple half hour spent with your dog everyday can make it less irritable and better behaved because it feels secure around you. Dogs that are generally ignored will not be easy to command.

Why Dogs Bark | Barking Training for Dog | Train Canine Not to Bark

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: — Nik @ 3:24 am

Dog Bark Training

Barking is part of dog’s natural tendencies and is to a canine what talking is to humans. The fact that we cannot understand the message that is being conveyed is what causes barking to appear as noise to the normal human ear. However, between dogs, barking is a very important mode of communication and helps one indicate to another the course of action that needs to be taken in certain situations. While barking is one of the most natural tendencies of any canine, it is also important to remember that we have a certain amount of control over the way our dogs act and the barking tendency can be easily curbed to help the animal fit in more with the demands of today’s society. In order to train the dog not to bark, it is important to understand the situations or causes of excessive dog barking. For example, recent studies have shown that problem barkers are more likely to bark because they are bored. This is especially true if they are used to a lot of attention throughout the day and suddenly feel as though they are being completely ignored. They bark in order to gain attention and bowing down to their demands will only serve to show them that barking does bring results – thereby allowing the obsession to bark to grow unrestricted.

While barking is a concern, be attentive and see if your dog also bears his teeth and starts to growl excessively, as this is a sign that the animal is getting ready to bite the person in front of him. If the animal does this in situations where it does not seem to be required, you may want to consult your veterinarian about the behavior of the animal. In these situation, do not do anything to irritate the animal such as squirting water up its nose or threatening it as this will only serve to encourage the animal to attack. Excessive barking is also a habit that depends on the breed of canine you are dealing with. For example, although all dogs bark a lot, Pomeranians tend to bark more frequently than German shepherds. Their bark is also much higher pitched, meaning that it is much more irritating to the ears than bigger breeds of dog. If leaving your house for a significant period of time, make sure that you have provided the animal with the right amount of food and water to prevent him from barking as an indicator that it needs to be fed when you are away.

Online Dog Training Tips, Benefits, Techniques, Basics, Information

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: — Nik @ 12:58 am

Online Dog Training

It is very essential for owners to train their dogs. Basic dog training covers standing, sitting, potty training, not jumping up on furniture or people etc. There are various ways and methods a trainer or owner can employ while training their dog. A method that is gaining popularity these days is online dog training. This is a fairly new concept and is being adopted by many professional trainers these days.

Some of the main benefits of online dog training include it being an individualized training. Online training unlike some other training methods can offer one the approach which is more individualized. This is very useful while training a dog. In an individual set up, the trainer can adapt the training to the dog’s ability and also the rate at which the dog is making progress. In set training program these benefits can get lost. Another benefit of an online training class is that in these classes, the owner can decide the best option for the dog and its owner. One can also determine the schedule that the owner wants to follow and set it to their own pace.

Another benefit of an online training program is the fact that it allows the owners and trainers to get access to some of the best trainers who are in different locations. Thus one can get dog training tips and dog training techniques from some of the best dog training experts around the world when one goes online. When one is using an online program one can also save a lot of money. In these cases one does not need to pay for the location or the venue nor does one need to pay to travel to a training school, besides the trainers fees etc. Hence an online training program can work out to be a much cheaper option. Another useful benefit that one derives from an online training program is that one gets to train their dog themselves. Here one can avoid one’s pet being trained by some other person or stranger. This is especially useful when the dog is living with the person and will have to mind what he or she says. Hence the dog will know from the start who to pay attention to and mind. An online training program also allows one to ask individual questions that will get answered by the online instructor. Thus one can focus only on their dog and train it well.

Positive Dog Training | Negative Techniques to Train Your Dog

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:51 am

Nurturing a pet dog involves patience and consistency in your actions in relation to your dog’s behavior. This will help your dog understand right from wrong easily. You can train your dog using two methods. These are positive dog training and negative dog training. Positive dog training involves rewarding your dog when a desired action is performed or a desired behavior is displayed. Dogs are social animals and they enjoy affection. Affection can thus be used as a positive reinforcement for your dog’s behavior. This technique is also referred to as positive reinforcement dog training. What happens with positive reinforcement is that it creates a link in the dog’s thinking process between the particular action performed and the reward received for it. When your dog behaves in a particular way, you reward your dog with affection or with any form of a gift. This gift may be giving your dog its favorite food or giving it a chew toy to play with. When training using positive techniques you will need to be heavily involved in the action itself. You may be training your dog to jump over an obstacle or, more simply, to sit when it is being told to sit. You will have to coax you dog into performing the action you desire based on the words you use. Once the dog has performed the action, you should immediately introduce to positive element. This is crucial. You should also not use the same positive link for other good behavior while training your dog. This can be done later when your dog is trained, but during training some consistency and repetition is required.

Negative dog training can be difficult for some dog owners, particularly indulgent ones. This is used when your dog displays a type of behavior that is undesirable. You may want to stop your dog jumping at guests or damaging the upholstery of your sofa. In such situations, you will need to introduce a negative response as a consequence of your dog’s action. Some people simply shout and stop their dog from the action being performed. Others may tie the dog’s leash and make the dog sit quietly for a few minutes as punishment. Physical abuse is not at all recommended and can be illegal. This will also scare your dog rather than training it.

Generally, negative techniques are used to eliminate bad behavior while positive techniques are used to encourage good behavior or to train your dog to perform a certain action.

Search and Rescue Puppy Training Tips, Techniques

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: — Nik @ 5:47 am

Search and Rescue Puppy Training

Dogs are one of the most common household pets and are highly regarded for their loyalty, affection and strong bonds that they develop with their owners. While a number of people will house dogs primarily for their company and – to a certain extent – their security, dogs also play a very significant role in a number of other walks of life. For example, dogs are regularly used as to provide assistance to the blind, their keen sense of smell helps them become very important members of bomb and drug detection squads all over the world, and they have also been used extensively in hunting, and in wars, among various other activities. They are also regularly used in search and rescue missions to retrieve missing explorers or trekkers, and people lost as a result of natural calamities. While normal dog training is focused on curbing the animals natural instincts, to promote better character that is more consistent with what is socially acceptable, when search and rescue dog training is imparted, you want to be able to retain as much of the natural instincts as possible. Search and rescue dog training needs to be imparted at a very early age in order for the animal to become an accomplished search and rescue dog. A dog is usually assessed between the third and seventh week of its life to identify if it will make a good search and rescue dog. This stage of their existence is known as the imprinting stage primarily because of the fact that they start to gain the capability of recognizing other animals and people as well as develop their communication skills.

Search and rescue puppy training requires a lot of exposure of the animal to interesting and fun experiences right through this imprinting stage and any activities must be focused on enhancing the animals natural instincts and senses. When the puppy is between five and six weeks, the handler must encourage socialization between other dogs and humans – especially with people that are going to be working with the animal in the future. Just as with any other type of training, it is important to let the puppy know that the handler is the one with the authority in order to prevent the alpha male syndrome from taking over and allowing the dog to assume that it is in charge. There is no golden rule that stipulates a certain breed of puppy is better than another at becoming a search and rescue animal, but the limitations in size of breeds such as a yorkshire terrier or even the mastiff may play a significant role.

Potty Training Tips for Older, Adult and Senior Dogs

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: — Nik @ 5:44 am

Potty Train Old Dog

Dogs are one of the most affectionate and loyal household pets and are usually regarded to be no less members of the family than their human counterparts. As a result, dog training has become increasingly popular and necessary in order to curb the pet’s natural instincts and be able to domesticate it enough to be obedient to the handler’s commands. While training is already a task that requires a significant amount of patience and understanding on the part of the handler, the task can become significantly harder when dealing with an older dog. At an older age, the animal has already been able to grow up following its natural instincts and habits. Just as with children, potty training is something that, when imparted, can take a significant load of the person that is responsible for the cleanliness of the house. The one positive about potty training older dogs as compared to puppies is the fact that they are more likely to respond to commands and have already sufficiently developed the muscles that control the bladder.

The best and most successful methods of potty training older dogs depends substantially on whether you want the dog to eliminate its waste indoors or outdoors. When trying to get it to eliminate indoors, you need to purchase a dog potty (a product easily available in the market). The best ones are the types that have a splash back and a post for the dog to be able to aim at.  A few things to keep in mind when choosing the location where you place the potty will be that dogs do not like to urinate or pass stool in a location that they eat and play, so is anything like this were to happen, you need to clean and thoroughly deodorize the area. When you have luxury of a garden, you can choose a spot on the grass where you will coax the animal to excrete. One way of doing this would be to repeatedly go over to the same location and avoid cleaning the spot until your dog learns to go there whenever it needs to pass stool. In order to avoid an instance of the dog requiring to be let out of the house in the middle of the night because the potty spot is in the garden outside, you should reduce the animals food and water intake just before it sleeps as, if the animal is full of water, it is unlikely that it will be able to control its bladder right up until morning.

Dog Training Issues, Problems | Canine Behavior, Crate Training Problems

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:41 am

Problems in Dog Training

Dogs have been domesticated for centuries and have now become a very regular feature of society’s fabric. They are probably the most common household pet through the world and are renowned for their affectionate nature as well as their intensely protective nature towards their owners or handlers. While each dog has its own personality and character traits, one will see a number of common tendencies between two dogs of the same breed. For example, Dobermans are naturally known to be of the more aggressive type while the smaller dogs such as pugs are usually very docile. As a result, dog training plays a very important role in preparing the canine to properly accomplish the tasks it is required by its owner to perform. While the pets will mainly offer a great deal of companionship, some owners may demand more focus on other abilities such as for security, hunting or even law enforcement.  The primary purpose of dog training is to make sure that the owner or handler has the dog in control not matter what situation it is. Just as with young toddlers, training puppies requires a lot of patience as they are likely to be a little confused about what is expected of them initially. One of the most important bits of dog training advice would be to make sure that you avoid any use of physical punishment toward the animal if you start to get frustrated with the animals ability. The dog will learn to perform the required action in due course, but needs to be coaxed and rewarded for the effort it puts in.

If no training is imparted at an early age, the dog will grow up following its natural instinct – which could result in a household pet being more ferocious than it should be. As a result, obedience training is one of the most widely sought after of dog training tips. Something important to keep in mind is to avoid excessively practicing a recall on your dog as one common dog training problem that develops is that the animal tends to tune you out if it has repeatedly shown no interest in the command. Any successful dog training is based heavily on mutual trust and respect between the animal and handler. Once a bond has developed between the two and the handler is able to comprehend the signals given out by the animal indicating emotions such as happiness, anger, irritation and fear, the handler will find that the dog is much easier to train and more obedient.

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