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Potty Training Tips for Older, Adult and Senior Dogs

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: — Nik @ 5:44 am

Potty Train Old Dog

Dogs are one of the most affectionate and loyal household pets and are usually regarded to be no less members of the family than their human counterparts. As a result, dog training has become increasingly popular and necessary in order to curb the pet’s natural instincts and be able to domesticate it enough to be obedient to the handler’s commands. While training is already a task that requires a significant amount of patience and understanding on the part of the handler, the task can become significantly harder when dealing with an older dog. At an older age, the animal has already been able to grow up following its natural instincts and habits. Just as with children, potty training is something that, when imparted, can take a significant load of the person that is responsible for the cleanliness of the house. The one positive about potty training older dogs as compared to puppies is the fact that they are more likely to respond to commands and have already sufficiently developed the muscles that control the bladder.

The best and most successful methods of potty training older dogs depends substantially on whether you want the dog to eliminate its waste indoors or outdoors. When trying to get it to eliminate indoors, you need to purchase a dog potty (a product easily available in the market). The best ones are the types that have a splash back and a post for the dog to be able to aim at.  A few things to keep in mind when choosing the location where you place the potty will be that dogs do not like to urinate or pass stool in a location that they eat and play, so is anything like this were to happen, you need to clean and thoroughly deodorize the area. When you have luxury of a garden, you can choose a spot on the grass where you will coax the animal to excrete. One way of doing this would be to repeatedly go over to the same location and avoid cleaning the spot until your dog learns to go there whenever it needs to pass stool. In order to avoid an instance of the dog requiring to be let out of the house in the middle of the night because the potty spot is in the garden outside, you should reduce the animals food and water intake just before it sleeps as, if the animal is full of water, it is unlikely that it will be able to control its bladder right up until morning.