Pet Blogs, Pet Health Care Advice, Symptoms | Pet Care Tips, Info

Canine Sudden Blindness | Diagnosis and Causes of Blindness in Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 4:56 am

Blindness in Dogs:

Dog blindness is the complete loss of vision in both eyes. This kind of dog blindness may be the result of various factors and can be very traumatic for pet owners. It is essential to diagnose the underlying cause for canine blindness to help treat it effectively. Sudden or acute canine blindness is characterized by a complete loss of vision simultaneously in both eyes. Blindness is extremely difficult to diagnose in dogs because they often make up for their loss of vision with a keen sense of hearing and smell. Often the owner only realizes that his/her pet is blind when there is a sudden change in the pet’s everyday environment. Other symptoms that dog owners should watch out for are an easily startled or frightened behavior, getting lost frequently, clumsiness, an inability to locate food or water dishes and a loss of interactive behavior. Blindness in dogs can be traced back to a number of factors including corneal disease, cataracts, posterior and/or anterior uveitis, retinal detachment, retinal infection or inflammation, optic nerve disorders or disease of visual pathways, glaucoma and occipital cortex disorders. Glaucoma is one of the most common cause of blindness in dog. Glaucoma is characterized by inadequate drainage of fluid from the eye which consequently leads to very high levels of pressure in the eye. This damages the optic nerve and results in a progressive loss of vision in the eye. Several kinds of tumors and parasitic infections of the eye can also lead to a loss of vision in dogs. In some cases, a deficiency of vital nutrients like vitamin E and vitamin A may lead to retinal degeneration and loss of vision. Trauma to the head and resulting hemorrhage may also lead to loss of vision in canines. Certain kinds of toxins like lead could result in poisoning and a loss of vision.

If you suspect that your pet has undergone partial or complete loss of vision, then you should get him/her evaluated by your veterinarian immediately. There are several types of diagnostic tests that will help you ascertain the underlying cause for blindness in your pet and its specific method of treatment. In addition, ensure that you give your dog plenty of support and care. Ensure that he/she is kept in a safe environment that will not be stressful or dangerous. For instance, ensure that you keep your dog away from staircases or pools that may be potentially dangerous for a blind dog.

Pet Diarrhea Causes, Treatments, Symptoms, Prevention

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:50 am

Diarrhea in Pets:

Pet health issues are great in number and one of them is pet diarrhea. It accounts for the majority of pet owners’ visits to veterinarians. Just like human beings, animals are also prone to it. It is a condition characterized by frequent watery stools. This could be a result of the sensitive digestive system or a one off problem. Whatever the case, it implies that something is not right and requires quick action to firm up those stools. Diarrhea is said to originate from either the small intestine or large intestine. This is further classified into acute or short term duration and chronic or long term duration. The reasons for diarrhea are varied and differ from species to species. They normally occur when different dissolved substances gather in the intestine. This causes too much to come into the intestine. So if your pet eats something that its stomach is unable to absorb, the overload in the intestine could lead to diarrhea. It may also occur due to bacteria, viruses, internal parasites or food allergies. Sometimes pets may eat food that contains toxic substances which causes diarrhea. Eating spoiled food from the garbage, eating table scraps or a change in pet food could be some of the other reasons.

You should also note that that frequent bowel movements may not necessarily mean that the pet is suffering from diarrhea. It is possible for your pet to have two to three bowel movements per day. You should be concerned only when the fecal water in the bowel movement is excessive. If your young pet is suffering from diarrhea you need to rush to the veterinarian as they are more at risk. For adult pets, food may be withheld for 12 to 24 hours and can be started with small portions of meals and then checked upon if the diarrhea has stopped. However, in case of blood, greasy feces or any foreign objects being passed, a visit to a veterinarian is obligatory. The consistency of the feces and its color can help in diagnosis of diarrhea. Therefore, a watch on the same is required. Always ensure that your pet is on a healthy balanced diet. Make sure that your pet consumes highly digestible food with less than 1 percent of fiber. This is especially necessary after the pet has suffered from diarrhea. Pet health care is important and you seek your pet’s health information by visiting a veterinarian.

Pet Ringworm Causes, Treatments | Diagnose Ringworm Infection in Pets

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 4:48 am

Ringworm Infection in Pets:

Pet ringworm, as the name suggests, might cause most people to believe that it is caused due to worms. However, it is the result of a fungus. Ringworm is a common disease which is not restricted to human beings but even animals. It is most often seen in cats but also frequently seen in rabbits, dogs, chinchillas and hedgehogs. In fact all mammals are susceptible to it. In humans, it generally results in the reddening and inflammation of the affected area and is in the form of a ring. In case of pets, it may not always be the same. In fact some pets may be silent carriers of the disease without showing any symptoms and spreading it to others. Pet ringworm is caused as a result of 3 fungi. They are:

  • Microsporum canis
  • Microsporum gypseum
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes

Almost all the cases of ringworm in cats and dogs are caused by the fungus microsporum canis. Ringworm causes severe itching and can also result in the pet losing tremendous amount of hair. Pet ringworm results in baldness in patches especially on the paws, ears or the back. It may also be seen on your dog’s face and tail. Normally the symptoms are circular patches of broken hair in the form of circles which grow darker than normal hair. There is a high possibility that people interacting with the infected pets might get infected too. Hence, proper precautions and treatment is a must.

The easiest way to diagnose ringworm is through the Woods lamp also known as ultraviolet lamps. In this case, almost 50% of the microsporum canis species will become fluorescent under the light of the Woods lamp. Children are more prone to get infected with ringworm hence to prevent it from spreading it is advised that you trim your pets’ hair, especially around the bald spots. Also, it is essential to wear gloves while treating them or playing with them. The vacuum cleaner bag also needs to be changed every time after it is used. A regular visit to the veteran is a must where you can get more tips on pet health care. It is also important to keep yourself updated with the various pet health information and pet health issues. It is recommended that every time you get a new pet you take them to the vet in order to check if they are infected with ringworm.

Pet Ear Problems | Ear Infection in Pets | Pet Ear Care

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:46 am

Ear Care for Pets:

Having an ear that is painful can be very unsettling for any pet. Ear infections in your pet can range anywhere from mild to chronic. Some of the symptoms of an ear infection include discharge from the ear. This can be black or yellow in color. Other symptoms include the pet being unnaturally lethargic and irritable and persistently scratching its ear. Also, soreness of the ear canal or redness underneath the ear flap along with bad odor emanating from the ear, vigorous shaking of the head or constant tilting of its head to the side can all indicate the presence of a ear infection. The exact nature of the problem can be ascertained by closely inspecting the ear under magnification and further by taking a microscopic smear of the ear wax. A thorough examination and scrutiny would be needed to look for any foreign objects like ticks or cotton balls that might have got into the ear canal, or for growths, cysts, pus, inflammations and canal wall changes.

Mild ear problems can be caused by ear mites called Otodectes cynotis. Their presence can cause a fair amount of discomfort and hence leads to excessive scratching of the afflicted ear.  This is among the easier infections to diagnose and similarly easy to cure. Chronic ear infections make the animal extremely irritable and even if it improves it can recur.  If an ear infection is left unattended it can perforate the ear drum before it proceeds to travel to the brain, where damage caused can be extensive and severe. Some other causes include dank, moist environments leading to the ear canal then becoming a perfect breeding ground for microorganisms like yeast and bacteria to multiply. Staph bacteria are the predominant bacteria involved in most ear infections. Excessive or low secretion of hormones can further harm your pet’s constitution, thereby leading to various other ear infections. Some pet’s ear problems can be hereditary. Diseases like Primary Seborrhea, Dermatomyositis and some types of tumors in the ears fall into this category.

Some common remedies involve clipping and trimming excess hair present near the ears. Try to prevent debris of any kind accumulating in the ear. Ensure you clean it regularly. In the case of yeast infections a proper antifungal can be prescribed to eliminate the problem. Antibiotics can also be recommended depending on the severity of the infection. If the problem is hormone related or due to allergies, then various kinds of therapies or medical treatments can be undertaken. In the case of dogs specifically, it has been noted that a high percentage of them who suffer frequent ear inflammations or ear infections suffer from some kind of food allergy.

Pet Dental Care | Pet Teeth Cleaning | How to Clean Pet’s Teeth

Filed under: Pet Care — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:44 am

Pet Oral Care:

It can definitely be said that with the correct dental care for pets life can be extended by an additional four to five years. However having said that, the importance of getting your pets the appropriate dental care is not well recognized. Statistics have shown that around eighty percent of dogs and approximately seventy percent of cats display some indications of dental problems by the time they reach the age of three. This has been known to lead to even more serious conditions of the heart, kidney or lung. The initial indicator of any dental problem is bad breath.

Periodontal disease is when the gum tissues get infected by bacteria. This occurs when food gets lodged in between the teeth and along the gum line leading to the build up of tartar and plaque. At the initial stage plaque is relatively soft and chewing hard toys or foods along with regular brushing can help remove it. However, if untended, it can lead to more serious problems like inflammation in the gum region, causing the gums to get red, swell up and get painful. It can also cause gingivitis. The next stage is hardening of the plaque into what is known as tartar. Tarter leads to a wedge like formation which separates the gum and the tooth. The final and most advanced stage post this is formation of pus at the tooth’s root causing the tooth to then loosen, the gums to bleed and is accompanied by a lot of pain

When cleaning pet’s teeth with a toothbrush. Pay special attention to the gum line as this is where most infections start off due to food build up. Always use toothpaste that is meant to be used on pets and not human toothpaste, as this can cause your pet an upset stomach. To clean the inner teeth, from above, keep a hold on the pet’s mouth, gently proceed to pull the head back thereby causing the mouth to fall open, enabling you to brush the teeth on both sides easily. The correct method is to keep the tooth and the brush at a forty five degree angle, while moving the brush in a circular motion. Feeding your pets hard biscuits or dry pet food after every meal serves to keep plaque at bay. Remember to pay regular visits to the vet for professional dental advice and care. Also practicing the correct oral hygiene on your pet at home is required.

Pet Euthanasia at Home | Euthanize Pet Yourself

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:42 am

Home Pet Euthanasia:

Pet euthanasia is the act of painlessly and humanely terminating the life of your pet. The Greek translation of euthanasia literally means ‘good death’. There are various places where this can be practiced like veterinarian clinics, animal shelters or at home. The methods used when practicing euthanasia are aimed at causing the least amount of pain distress and discomfort to your pet. When practiced at home on one’s pet, euthanasia is referred to by euphemisms like ‘putting to sleep’, ‘laying down’, ‘putting down’ or ‘putting out of its misery’.

Some of the reasons why euthanasia is practiced is if you have an aging pet who is unable to enjoy life the way it used to, or if your pet is suffering from a terminally ill condition or has been injured severely such that even after recovery it will not be able to live a full and comfortable life. Other reasons include rabies, unnatural aggressiveness and violence. Also if your pet has been involved in causing another human a serious or fatal injury, then owners opt to put them down or may be required to do so by the law.

Choosing to practice pet euthanasia in one’s home at times seems right for what can be an extremely emotional experience. When practiced in its own home, the pet is more relaxed and at ease with its surroundings. It also gives the owner privacy and a chance to come to terms with the grief for what can be a fairly emotional time. At times opting to practice euthanasia in the confines of one’s home can work out to be more economical than in a hospital or clinic. Euthanasia can either be done by the pet’s owner at home itself if trained correctly or by a veterinarian. At times there are other groups or people trained to perform this service at home for you. When done by a veterinarian, the first step is to inject the pet with a tranquilizing drug. This puts the animal into a deep and irreversible coma. It allows the owner a chance to say goodbye before the final injection is administered. This next intravenous injection leads to respiratory and cardiac arrest. Thus death comes painlessly and quickly. The other ways to practice euthanasia include shooting. This is particularly in the case of large animals. For small animals like rabbits, their necks can be snapped and instant death can then occur when done the right way. Many owners can opt to either cremate the pet’s remains or bury them. There are special funeral homes that can perform these services if required.

Pet Euthanasia | Euthanizing Pets | Home Euthanasia for Pets

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:40 am

Putting Pets to Sleep:

Sometimes the kindest gesture one can make for a pet that is grievously ill or seriously injured and can never regain a good life is to consider euthanasia. Euthanasia can literally be defined as peaceful death. It is the act of humanely and painlessly inducing death or allowing death to occur by withholding the medications and measures that are sustaining life. Establishing the right time or making the right decision is always hard. Sometimes euthanasia is practiced if the pet has become vicious or dangerous and is displaying unusually unmanageable and abnormal characteristics. If a pet is involved in causing grievous injury or death to a human then euthanasia is practiced. Normally if your pet can not enjoy its life the way it used because of a debilitating condition or is unable to respond to you the way it used to then it may be another reason. This is so especially in the case of terminally ill pets. Other causes can include rabies or old age. Letting the veterinarian evaluate your pet’s health, estimate its chances to recover and lead a normal life, can help in the decision process. Discuss all surgical options or medical ones and what the outcomes would be. You can also discuss the possibilities and effects of long term disabilities and problems. Sometimes your family members along with friends and the veterinarian can help you weigh the options and take the decision.

Euthanasia for pets is normally practiced by injecting a drug that induces death. If done by a veterinarian, the first step might be to administer a tranquilizing drug. This helps to relax the pet. Next the injection administering the euthanasia drug will cause the animal to fall unconscious. This is irreversible. Death then follows fast and painlessly. Sometimes for large animals shooting is the preferable option to an injection. Gas anesthesia is sometimes used when practicing euthanasia on very small animals.  At other times, cervical dislocation is a common method used to kill small animals like the rabbit. Here the neck is snapped from the spine. When done correctly it leads to death instantly. If the animal is small, then euthanasia is practiced in a hospital, veterinary clinic or in an animal home. At times, workers in an animal shelter are also trained to practice euthanasia. At other times, it can be practiced by the veterinarian in the pet’s home itself. This is normally the case for larger animals. The exception being when horses injured in a race or hunt need to be put down immediately. There are funeral homes for pets that specifically take care of cremation or burial of the pet’s remains, if required by the owner.

Pet Acupuncture | Pet Health Care with Acupuncture Techniques

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 4:37 am

Acupuncture for Pets:

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese procedure involving the use of needles or massage to bring an ailing body back into balance. Acupuncture was first practiced on humans. Practicing it on animals and one’s pets was later derived from this practice. The aim of this practice is to insert fine needles into specific points with the intention of thereby correcting various imbalances that exist in the body. There are veterinary acupuncturists who perform this service for pets. Studies have indicated that acupuncture has proved beneficial for those pets suffering from conditions like arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders like vomiting or diarrhea, illness of the respiratory tract like asthma and other chronic conditions like kidney disease. It also addresses geriatric problems and behavioral issues.

Prior to initiating this procedure, the veterinarian will first conduct a check of the pets overall health, dietary habits, energy levels and activity levels. The veterinarian will also note any symptoms the pet might be displaying. Next a standard examination will be conducted on your pet particularly the pets tongue as this is considered a vital component of the diagnosis. The pet’s pulse is also examined and is used in the formulation of a diagnosis. The veterinarian will then proceed to check the pet for any visible sore points or swollen areas.  This helps design the final treatment to be meted. The needles used are similar to the ones used on humans. They are kept sterile and normally made from stainless steel. The procedure involves insertion of the needles into designated points on the body of the pet. These various points come together to form a specific formula. This is not usually a painful procedure. However an unusually sensitive pet or one in great pain may show some reaction. Depending on the severity or diagnosis the veterinarian may leave the inserted needles for a while. This duration can vary from pet to pet depending on their condition. Certain diagnoses may require additional treatment which involves the passing of a low electric current to the needles. Once the procedure is over and the needles have been taken out, most pets appear to be relaxed and some even doze. Some pets may be restless after the treatment.

In general, it has been noted, that acupuncture stimulates hormone release and pain killing chemicals. These promote tissue repair, it helps improve blood circulation, gives relief from pain and generally promotes a feeling of well being of the pet. It also helps relax muscle spasms.  These sessions are generally conducted held once or twice a week.

Pet Day Care Tips | Pet Training, Grooming | How to Care for Pet

Filed under: Pet Care — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:36 am

Daily Pet Care:

Pet day care centers and businesses have gained immense popularity with more and more people owning pets. Pet popularity is soaring be it Labrador retrievers, boxers, or parakeets. Owning a pet day care center can be a fun and a highly remunerative business that involves looking after other people’s pets while they are away at work or on holiday. This is a highly satisfactory and fun filled job for somebody who is an animal lover.

Since the inception of pet daycare businesses, more pet owners now have the freedom to own a pet in spite of having a demanding work schedule that involves travel and late hours. Different pet day care centers can cater to various needs of the owners as well as the pets. There are full day centers, overnight centers, some which cater specifically to a certain kind of pet or others that cater to only larger or smaller breeds respectively. Pet day care comes equipped with all manner of services. These can range from grooming services, housebreaking services and pet spa boutiques. Some also offer training programs like obedience training. Other pet day care centers will offer additional facilities of pick up and drop off services for pets, thus saving the pet owners travel time.  Some pet day care centers had even tied up with corporate companies where the corporate offers its employees the exclusive facilities of a hassle free pet health care.

If you are looking for the ideal pet health care then try asking your veterinarian. You can also get suggestions from other dog owners who can give suitable references. When looking for the ideal pet daycare, it is also essential to take into account the staff to pet ratio, what methods are used to resolve fights amongst pets. Also check the amount of play time the pet gets, how the pets are supervised, the area where the pets are housed etc. It is also imperative to see if the pet center follows some kind of a routine with its meal times, play times or nap times. You can also check on the vaccinations required to be given before sending your pet to the center. It is also advisable to schedule a visit with your pet to the daycare and observe how your pet is handles. When you pick your pet up you can check to see if he shows any kind of stress.  it is important at all times that the environment is a comfortable one for all pets.

Healthy Pet Symptoms | Pet Health Care Information

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:33 am

Pet Health:

Just as humans get affected by various diseases and problems so do dogs, cats, horses, birds and other species. Pets rely on their owners to keep them healthy. It is also vital for the owner to know his or her pet’s habits like sleeping, drinking, eating, and playing among others. Any variations in these might indicate to the owner that the pet is not feeling well or is injured in some way.  For those who own a pet it is vital that they make sure that their pet is healthy and is not suffering from any disease or injury. There are a host of veterinary clinics, hospitals and centers where an owner can take the pet to get regular check ups involving physical examinations and tests done to ensure that their pet is healthy. The majority of illnesses and health problems that pets face can be treated successfully with surgery, medications, physical therapy or other medical or alternative treatments. Since pets cannot talk, it is intrinsically difficult to ascertain the nature of their ailment. If your pet displays any signs of weakness, unusual lethargy, sudden aggressiveness, soreness in a particular body etc, then it is imperative to have this addressed immediately.

Some of the signs and indications of good health in a pet can be healthy and shiny skin or feathers. If its skin or fur is healthy, it should be without scabs, red areas, growths or white flakes. Check dogs, cats, horses, birds for ticks, fleas, lice or external parasites. Another way to ascertain if your pet is healthy is by looking at its eyes. They should be healthy and should not have mucus or be runny. For those pets with ears, ensure that skin or fur is clean looking without any unusual collection of wax or dirt or any other foreign objects. Check for unusual growths or cysts too. Similarly, it is vital to check the teeth, mouth, jaw or beak of your pet. A visit to the veterinarian will ensure that a check is done where the body temperature is noted, heartbeat and pulse rate counted, height and weight is also checked as required.

Ensuring that the pet stays healthy involves making sure it gets the right amount of exercise and activity and that its diet follows the requirements needed to keep it healthy and active. Regular vaccinations given by a veterinarian also ensure that the pet does not get any serious or fatal illness. A healthy pet is a happy pet.

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