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Pet Dental Care | Pet Teeth Cleaning | How to Clean Pet’s Teeth

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Pet Oral Care:

It can definitely be said that with the correct dental care for pets life can be extended by an additional four to five years. However having said that, the importance of getting your pets the appropriate dental care is not well recognized. Statistics have shown that around eighty percent of dogs and approximately seventy percent of cats display some indications of dental problems by the time they reach the age of three. This has been known to lead to even more serious conditions of the heart, kidney or lung. The initial indicator of any dental problem is bad breath.

Periodontal disease is when the gum tissues get infected by bacteria. This occurs when food gets lodged in between the teeth and along the gum line leading to the build up of tartar and plaque. At the initial stage plaque is relatively soft and chewing hard toys or foods along with regular brushing can help remove it. However, if untended, it can lead to more serious problems like inflammation in the gum region, causing the gums to get red, swell up and get painful. It can also cause gingivitis. The next stage is hardening of the plaque into what is known as tartar. Tarter leads to a wedge like formation which separates the gum and the tooth. The final and most advanced stage post this is formation of pus at the tooth’s root causing the tooth to then loosen, the gums to bleed and is accompanied by a lot of pain

When cleaning pet’s teeth with a toothbrush. Pay special attention to the gum line as this is where most infections start off due to food build up. Always use toothpaste that is meant to be used on pets and not human toothpaste, as this can cause your pet an upset stomach. To clean the inner teeth, from above, keep a hold on the pet’s mouth, gently proceed to pull the head back thereby causing the mouth to fall open, enabling you to brush the teeth on both sides easily. The correct method is to keep the tooth and the brush at a forty five degree angle, while moving the brush in a circular motion. Feeding your pets hard biscuits or dry pet food after every meal serves to keep plaque at bay. Remember to pay regular visits to the vet for professional dental advice and care. Also practicing the correct oral hygiene on your pet at home is required.