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Pet Ringworm Causes, Treatments | Diagnose Ringworm Infection in Pets

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Ringworm Infection in Pets:

Pet ringworm, as the name suggests, might cause most people to believe that it is caused due to worms. However, it is the result of a fungus. Ringworm is a common disease which is not restricted to human beings but even animals. It is most often seen in cats but also frequently seen in rabbits, dogs, chinchillas and hedgehogs. In fact all mammals are susceptible to it. In humans, it generally results in the reddening and inflammation of the affected area and is in the form of a ring. In case of pets, it may not always be the same. In fact some pets may be silent carriers of the disease without showing any symptoms and spreading it to others. Pet ringworm is caused as a result of 3 fungi. They are:

  • Microsporum canis
  • Microsporum gypseum
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes

Almost all the cases of ringworm in cats and dogs are caused by the fungus microsporum canis. Ringworm causes severe itching and can also result in the pet losing tremendous amount of hair. Pet ringworm results in baldness in patches especially on the paws, ears or the back. It may also be seen on your dog’s face and tail. Normally the symptoms are circular patches of broken hair in the form of circles which grow darker than normal hair. There is a high possibility that people interacting with the infected pets might get infected too. Hence, proper precautions and treatment is a must.

The easiest way to diagnose ringworm is through the Woods lamp also known as ultraviolet lamps. In this case, almost 50% of the microsporum canis species will become fluorescent under the light of the Woods lamp. Children are more prone to get infected with ringworm hence to prevent it from spreading it is advised that you trim your pets’ hair, especially around the bald spots. Also, it is essential to wear gloves while treating them or playing with them. The vacuum cleaner bag also needs to be changed every time after it is used. A regular visit to the veteran is a must where you can get more tips on pet health care. It is also important to keep yourself updated with the various pet health information and pet health issues. It is recommended that every time you get a new pet you take them to the vet in order to check if they are infected with ringworm.