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Canine Sudden Blindness | Diagnosis and Causes of Blindness in Dogs

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Blindness in Dogs:

Dog blindness is the complete loss of vision in both eyes. This kind of dog blindness may be the result of various factors and can be very traumatic for pet owners. It is essential to diagnose the underlying cause for canine blindness to help treat it effectively. Sudden or acute canine blindness is characterized by a complete loss of vision simultaneously in both eyes. Blindness is extremely difficult to diagnose in dogs because they often make up for their loss of vision with a keen sense of hearing and smell. Often the owner only realizes that his/her pet is blind when there is a sudden change in the pet’s everyday environment. Other symptoms that dog owners should watch out for are an easily startled or frightened behavior, getting lost frequently, clumsiness, an inability to locate food or water dishes and a loss of interactive behavior. Blindness in dogs can be traced back to a number of factors including corneal disease, cataracts, posterior and/or anterior uveitis, retinal detachment, retinal infection or inflammation, optic nerve disorders or disease of visual pathways, glaucoma and occipital cortex disorders. Glaucoma is one of the most common cause of blindness in dog. Glaucoma is characterized by inadequate drainage of fluid from the eye which consequently leads to very high levels of pressure in the eye. This damages the optic nerve and results in a progressive loss of vision in the eye. Several kinds of tumors and parasitic infections of the eye can also lead to a loss of vision in dogs. In some cases, a deficiency of vital nutrients like vitamin E and vitamin A may lead to retinal degeneration and loss of vision. Trauma to the head and resulting hemorrhage may also lead to loss of vision in canines. Certain kinds of toxins like lead could result in poisoning and a loss of vision.

If you suspect that your pet has undergone partial or complete loss of vision, then you should get him/her evaluated by your veterinarian immediately. There are several types of diagnostic tests that will help you ascertain the underlying cause for blindness in your pet and its specific method of treatment. In addition, ensure that you give your dog plenty of support and care. Ensure that he/she is kept in a safe environment that will not be stressful or dangerous. For instance, ensure that you keep your dog away from staircases or pools that may be potentially dangerous for a blind dog.