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Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Symptoms, Causes, Treatment | Cost of Dog Elbow Dysplasia

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , — Nick @ 6:07 am

Elbow dysplasia in dogs can be described as an abnormal development of certain parts in the elbow joint. This is an inherited disease, which could occur during any phase of the dog’s life. Although this condition can be seen in dogs of all sizes and breeds, elbow dysplasia in dogs is more common in medium sized and larger dogs. Therefore, some of the most common breeds that have been affected by elbow dysplasia in dogs include Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, Bernese Mountain Dog, Golden Retrievers and the German Shepherd. Some of the other breeds that can also be affected by this condition include a few of the Terrier breeds, the Shar Pei, Chow-chow, Springer Spaniel and Saint Bernard. Normally, elbow dysplasia in dogs affects both the elbows, but it is possible for them to suffer from unilateral elbow dysplasia.

Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Symptoms

There are several sign and symptoms that can let a pet owner know that the dog is suffering from elbow dysplasia. Dogs that have this problem may start showing the symptoms when they are anywhere between 5 and 12 months. Some of the first signs that become evident are morning stiffness, signs of lameness in the front leg and stiffness after a period of rest. Hence the dog may develop an abnormal gait or may start limping. In fact, the way the dog sits, stands or lies down may also change significantly.

Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Causes

The exact causes of elbow dysplasia in dogs are still not clear, but most pet experts believe that there could be a combination of  few factors that lead to this condition, which include over nutrition accompanied by rapid growth, hormonal factors, genetic factors and trauma.

Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Treatment

The treatment of elbow dysplasia in dogs varies, as it is dependent on the severity of the condition. In some dogs, the treatment is a one time surgery, but in others, it could be an ongoing matter. The best way to treat this condition is by getting the dog operated. However, there are several people who are conscious about elbow dysplasia in dogs cost and therefore, choose more economical options, like medication. However, medicines could take up to a month to bring about any improvement in dogs. In case a dog suffering from dysplasia is overweight, it is absolutely essential to ensure that the dog loses weight as soon as possible.

While there are alternative treatment options for the condition too, all pet owners should ensure that all instances of elbow dysplasia in dogs are monitored by vets.