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Fin Rot Medication, Antibiotics | Fish Fin Rot Treatment, Medicine

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Fin Rot Medication

Aquarium fish diseases can be rather ghoulish and disturbing to owners, and fin rot probably tops the list. Fin rot is one of the most common aquarium fish diseases, but treatment with fin rot antibiotics is known to be quite effective. It is caused due to one of the several gram negative bacteria. While fin rot antibiotics offer an effective cure for fin rot, if left untreated, it can prove to be fatal for the fish and can infect all the other fishes in the tank.

Fin rot is a bacterial infection of the fins, usually brought about unclean water, unhygienic conditions inside the tank and/or stress that causes the fins to deteriorate. The most common cause of fin rot is elevated levels of nitrate in tanks where the water is not cycled properly. Fin rot may be caused by rapidly fluctuating temperatures as well as frequently changing pH levels.  Such fluctuations and the presence of toxins can continuously attack the fish, weakening the immune system and finally making the fish susceptible to the growth of bacteria. Physical damage or an attack by parasites can also leave a fish susceptible to fin rot.

Fin Rot Symptoms

Fin rot is not just easy to spot, it’s hard to miss, though in the early stages it would take a keen eye to detect. If you notice that chunks of your fish’s fin are missing, fin rot is possibly to blame. The common fin rot symptoms are:

  • The earliest symptoms that you’d notice would be the appearance of a white fluff on the fins, tails, and elsewhere around the extremities.
  • Fins fray.
  • The area may become red and inflamed, with bloody patches.
  • Fins seem to be growing thinner or more transparent.
  • Fins seem to be breaking off in large chunks.

Fin Rot Treatment

Fin rot treatment methods depend on its severity. Here are a few points which must be taken care of:-
It is important to address the correct root cause of the fin rot so that right treatment can be given to your fish. You must change the water in the aquarium. Fresh water will help the medication work faster and more effectively. Raise the temperature of the new water just a bit, if possible.

Since fin rot is caused by bacteria, the treatment should be with fin rot antibiotics recommended by a veterinarian. Tetracycline and jungle fungus eliminator are two of the most popular fin rot medicines.
It is very important to follow proper dosage instructions, as per the veterinarian, or as directed on the label of the medication. These fin rot medications usually come in the form of tablets which are simply dropped into the fish tank. If you see that a particular medicine isn’t responding well, you may have to switch the fin rot medications. However, before switching medications, leave the fish free of meds for 5-7 days. During this time, continue to change the water everyday so that any traces of the medication in the water, are eliminated. Though there are many herbal medicines and tonics available commercially, try to avoid them, sticking on with what your doctor recommends. Try not to mix medications into the tank.
If nothing else is helping your fish, try aquarium salt.

Fin regrowth is an excellent sign that the bacteria have been taken care of. Fin Rot is a disease which can at best be called opportunistic, so you must keep your fish in conditions which are optimal for their health. A steady temperature is important in maintaining good health, therefore try to avoid any major fluctuations. Also try to feed them a well balanced diet.