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Dog Castration Complications, Problems | Castrating Dog Pros And Cons

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Dog Castration Complications

The process of castration applies to male dogs. It is a process where the male reproductive system is removed. In dogs this typically applies to the testicles. The process of castration in dogs is done to terminate the reproductive capability of the dog. There are many behavioral aspects associated with the sex hormones in male dogs. Many male dogs are aggressive as is their natural instinct. Male dogs with functioning sex hormones also tend to display behavior that is considered to be extremely undesirable. The act of mounting can be quite embarrassing for dog owners and may be a behavioral trait that owners wish to eliminate. Many dogs are excessively aggressive as well and may cause harm to family members or visitors. The process of dog castration is done in order to curb these issues. The health benefits from the process are also believed to highly outweigh the risk of any dog castration complications.

It is natural to worry about the safety of the procedure and the effects, but dog castration complications are minimal and there shouldn’t be much cause for worry. There are many dog castration pros and cons. The biggest benefit from dog castration is the reduction of the sex drive of the dog as there is a deficiency of sex hormones being produced in the body after castration. This limits undesirable behavior and also reduces the aggression of the dog towards other dogs and, especially, towards female dogs in heat. Another one of the positive effects of castration in dogs is with regard to testicular cancer. Even though the rate of infection of the testicles with cancer is low, it is still a concern. The removal of the testicles removes the organ completely and eliminates the risk of that form of cancer.

There are some common risks associated with any surgical procedure. These risks apply to castration as well. During any surgery there is the risk of infection developing. There is also the risk of excessive bleeding. Both these risks are reduced by having the surgery performed in a well equipped operating theatre that adheres to the highest standards of safety and cleanliness. Some other cons of a dog castration procedure include the development of certain types of cancers. The risk rate for neutered dogs developing cancer is higher than for intact males developing cancer. This has been corroborated by many studies. This is one of the most serious dog castration problems.

Read more on how to neuter dog and when to neuter dog

Other dog castration complications include cognitive impairment later in life. There is some research to suggest that dogs that have been castrated tend to suffer from cognitive function issues later in life. The frequency of these cases is higher in castrated dogs than in dogs that have not been castrated.