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How to Neuter Dog?

(June 10, 2010)

Dog neutering is a common surgical procedure that is carried out for several reasons. You can help care for your dog after neutering with the help of a few simple tips about what to expect during and after the procedure. Dog neutering has several advantages for the pet as well as the owner. Spaying is the procedure of surgically preventing female dogs from reproducing while neutering is the surgical procedure that prevents male dogs from reproducing. Neutering a male dog thus eliminates the possibility of unwanted pregnancies. In addition, dog neutering helps lower testosterone levels and this is turn helps lower your dog’s risk of contracting cancer. Lower testosterone levels contribute to a lower risk of developing dog cancer. In addition, dog neutering has a calming effect on dogs. In other words, dogs are less likely to mark their territory and be aggressive after being neutered. Neutered dogs can thus be trained and housebroken more easily. Many dog owners ask the question, how and when to neuter dog?

To neuter a dog, you have to first consult your veterinarian to help assess your dog’s individual health requirements. Once your veterinarian has decided upon a date and time for the surgery, it is a relatively quick and easy affair. Dog neutering is a lot simpler than spaying. This is because neutering male dogs does not involve a procedure as invasive as that required for spaying female dogs. Before your dog is neutered, he will be given general anesthesia. This means that your dog will be unconscious during the surgical procedure of neutering. The veterinary surgeon will then shave or pluck the hair from around your dog’s scrotum and disinfect the area. Once this is done, he will make an incision on the scrotum, remove the testicles and then close the incision with stitches or surgical glue. Your dog will take about 10 to 14 days to completely recover from neutering. Dog care after neutering is very important to ensure that your pet has a complete recovery. You can expect your dog to be a bit disoriented and groggy after neutering. This is normal and a result of general anesthesia. Generally, veterinary surgeons prefer to operate on dogs in the morning so that their progress after surgery may be monitored. Your dog may not have a proper appetite and may experience nausea and vomiting after the surgery. In addition, your dog may seem sleepy and lethargic after his surgery and may exhibit incontinence.

Submitted by N M on June 10, 2010 at 12:26


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