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My Cat Kneads A Lot | Cat Kneading Too Much Continuously

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:27 am

My Cat Kneads A Lot

Cats are one of the most popular domestic pets all over the world and although they have a reputation of being fairly independent minded and unconcerned about their owners apart from getting their feed, cats can actually grow very attached to the humans they live with and may at times demand their attention. At heart, cats are actually very affectionate animals but they are just not as expressive of their affection, and they don’t appreciate our methods of expression that may often seem constraining or threatening to them.  Kneading is a common habit in cats that is a part of how they communicate their feelings. However, at times, the actions can be quite irritating for the master, especially if performed on a consistent basis. One of the primary reasons why most owners will regularly think to themselves ‘my cat kneads a lot’ is the fact that the tendency actually developed from when it was a kitten and kneading the mother’s teats while feeding as a baby helps stimulate the let down response, allowing the milk to flow more freely. Factors like this play a substantial role in the cat’s adulthood and mannerisms. If you notice that your cat kneads continuously ever since he or she was a kitten, then this might be the primary cause for the habit. Another factor that should be considered is that the animal may simply be marking its territory and trying to push you away from an area that it considers to be its own.

Read more on why do cats knead

Because of the tendency for cats to knead excessively, there are a number of methods employed all over the world to rid them of the habit. Since most cats knead continuously, getting some information on natural ways to stop the habit is not hard to come by on the internet. One way of accomplishing this is to lay the cat down and as soon as you see it start to knead, pull the animal down and say ‘no’. After a few days of doing this, the animal associates the action of kneading with a rather undesirable reaction of being pulled down and therefore stops doing so. Any options when it comes to training your kitty to stop kneading will always revolve around devising some kind of uncomfortable experience for the animal. For example, some people will choose to spray some water into the animals face when it starts to knead. This will have very much the same effect. Also keep in mind that a cat kneading is also a show of contentment, so make sure you understand what you are punishing.

Cat Pregnancy Week By Week | Cat Fetal Development Week

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: — Nik @ 2:30 am

Cat Pregnancy Week By Week

The different cat pregnancy stages are observed over a period of 63 days which is the typical feline gestation time. The prominent cat pregnancy symptoms are typically observed around the first three weeks of pregnancy. A cat pregnancy week by week change will be observed in the form of the cat’s nipples becoming pinkish in color and also slightly enlarged in week 3 of feline pregnancy. However during week 3, the belly of the cat will not show any visible signs of swelling. During week 4 of the cat pregnancy week by week, the belly will start becoming visibly swollen and additionally the swelling of the nipples will also become more prominent. Many cat owners have also noticed an increase in the appetite of the cat during week 4 of feline pregnancy. In week 5 of feline pregnancy, the vet will insist that special attention be given to the cat’s pregnancy diet so as to benefit her and the kittens. In week 6 of the cat pregnancy week by week, the cat pregnancy is very obvious and the pregnant cat may also display certain behavioral changes.

The cat may be observed moving around with much more care and not undertake too much of twisting or stretching actions. A cat that would prefer being outside before pregnancy would now want to mostly stay inside the house. The pregnant cat’s appetite will continue to increase all through week 6 of its pregnancy. One of the most obvious signs in week 7 of pregnancy is a change in the cat’s behavior wherein the cat may display some signs of excitement. This is commonly known as the quickening stage which is one of the cat pregnancy stages and the onset of this stage is brought about because of the movement of the fetuses. During week 7 of feline pregnancy, the cat may start stretching and rolling and may also start hunting for suitable spots in the vicinity where it could give birth. Hence many cat owners are encouraged to keep their pregnant cat inside during this stage of pregnancy so that the cat does not make a nest outside the house. In some cases labor and birth may commence as early as 61 days after conception or even as late as 70 days in some cats. Labor and delivery is the final stage of the cat pregnancy stages and this usually commences with the cat getting restless followed by the onset of contractions which may increase in frequency in due time.

You can also read on cat gestation

House Cat Gestation Period | Length, Cycle of House Cat

Filed under: Cat Health — Nik @ 5:41 am

House Cat Gestation Period

The house cat gestation cycle or period refers to the time during which the kittens grow and develop inside the pregnant cat. A female cat may become pregnant if she mates with a male cat that is unneutered. The house cat gestation length usually ranges between 60 and 67 days. The pregnant cat displays several physical and psychological changes during this time. These changes may become more apparent about three weeks following breeding. Owners that are unable to tell if their cat is pregnant can consult a veterinarian who will be able to feel the abdomen and identify other symptoms of cat pregnancy. There are also x-rays and radiotherapy that help in diagnosing cat pregnancy, but these are best avoided.

During the house cat gestation period, an owner will be able to detect many changes in their pet. The female begins to grow in size slowly. She is also likely to become more affectionate during this time. She tends to seek more care and affection from humans. Pregnant cats must be given the extra care and attention they require. They must be also made as comfortable as possible. The pregnant cat may also go looking around the house for a quiet secluded place, where she will start spending more time. This is in preparation for the birth of her kittens. She is also likely to rest more than usual. During the initial 4 to 5 weeks, one may not be able tell if a cat is pregnant. Weight gain and enlargement of the abdomen occurs only after the fifth week. The nipples also turn pinkish and after the seventh week there is noticeable enlargement of the mammary glands. Lactation generally begins following the delivery. In some cases, the cat may get slightly aggressive if disturbed or teased during the last few weeks. This is due to the growing discomfort of the swollen abdomen. Since the uterus exerts pressure on the bladder and colon, accidental soiling may occur indoors.

The house cat gestation cycle is likely to come to an end after about 65 days. In case a cat remains pregnant even after 69 days, consult a veterinarian. It is advisable to provide the cat with a comfortable covered box where she can rest and also give birth. Once she is prepared to deliver her kittens, her body temperature may drop. There might also be a milky discharge from the nipples. Soon after this the process of giving birth will begin.

My Cat is Vomiting Yellow Bile, White Foam | What Causes Cat Diarrhea

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:20 am

Cat Vomiting Yellow Bile

There are a number of illnesses that your cats can get affected with and diarrhea and vomiting are some of them that are experienced by cats at some point or the other and may even occur together. The reasons for these could be varied but it is essential that you find what causes cat diarrhea vomiting in the first place. Cat vomiting white foam or yellow bile causes normally include a change in the diet or consuming things such as bones, trash, leaves, sticks and oily table food that they could not digest, a lot of stress and so on. An infection of the stomach caused due to bacteria or virus can be another cause for cat vomiting. If you observe the vomit, it might give you clues because sometimes you can see certain foreign materials in it or even blood which indicates that there is an internal bleeding. Your cat throwing up can also be due to other issues that are not related to the digestive system and could be because of a kidney or liver disease. Cat vomiting bile will occur if there is no food that is present in the stomach that they can throw up and could indicate a serious condition in some cases.

Diarrhea in cats results in a lot of difficulty and strain in passing bowels or there is very little bowel movement that is taking place. Diarrhea may last for about a day or two but if it is showing no signs of reducing then, you need to consult a veterinarian. If vomiting persists for long, it can lead to dehydration because the cat is losing a lot of body fluids and thus, you should make sure that they do not get dehydrated. Initially, you should not allow your cat to drink or eat anything for 12 hours after the particular object that they consumed has been thrown out of the body. If the cat does not vomit, you can give them to drink a couple of sips of water along with an electrolyte solution. If this is digested by the cat, then you can give them certain food to eat after consulting a veterinarian. If your cat is experiencing diarrhea, vomiting or both along with a loss in weight, loss in appetite, blood in vomit, a lot of weakness and so on, you need to take your cat for a medical examination immediately to avoid any further complications.

Read on Cat Vomiting After Eating and Cat Vomiting Blood

Cat Mammary Cancer | Treatment, Symptoms of Feline Mammary Tumor

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:43 am

Cat Mammary Cancer

Cancer is a dreaded disease not only in human beings but also in animals. Cats are susceptible to this serious condition and there are a number of different types of cancer that can affect them. Cat mammary cancer is one such type of cancer wherein the tumor is growing in the mammary glands. Breast cancer is a common occurrence in women and also in female cats. Any old female cat can get mammary cancer and the average age of getting it is about 10 to 14 years. However, the occurrence of this cancer has reduced considerably in cats because they are spayed. If your cat is spayed within the first 6 months of her birth, her chances of getting mammary tumor is lowered to 91 percent. Also, if your cat is spayed within one year of her birth, chances that she will suffer from mammary cancer are reduced to 86 percent. However, obesity is a cause for cat mammary tumor and Siamese cats and Japanese breed of cats are more at risk of getting this cancer. A study carried out also states that if the tumor is less than three cm the average survival time for these cats is 21 months and if the tumor is bigger than 3 cm then the survival time on an average is 12 months.

Since the occurrence of this cancer is very low in cats, the tumor is mostly malignant due to which it proves fatal. The mammary tumor can be identified easily as it will mostly appear as firm nodules and maybe moveable or in one place only. Symptoms for cat cancer include an infection, pain, swelling or fever. Treatment for cat mammary tumor mostly involves a surgery wherein the tumor and the mammary gland surrounding it is removed. Chemotherapy may also be required along with the surgery. There is no treatment that can prevent cats from getting this cancer but the risk of getting it can be reduced greatly by spaying cats before they get into their first heat cycle. Cats should be taken to the veterinarian on a regular basis for check ups in order to erase the possibility of tumors or any other symptoms. With the increase of diseases and cancer that cats are prone to these days, it is highly essential that owners be alert and watch out for any lumps that they feel especially in the mammary glands.

Read on Cat Breast Cancer and Cat Liver Cancer

Cat Intestinal, Abdominal Cancer Causes, Symptoms | Cat Stomach Cancer Treatment

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:20 am

Cat Intestinal, Abdominal Cancer

Intestinal cancer in cats mimics the symptoms of an inflammation in the intestinal passage which could be the result of an obstruction in the region. A lot of the symptoms of cat intestinal cancer and abdominal tumors in cats are similar to those of stomach cancer. The cat is likely to suffer from a loss of weight, continues and chronic vomiting, a difficulty in defecation and spasms in the sphincter. Although it may want to defecate, it may not succeed in producing sufficient fecal matter. Diarrhea is a possibility with feces looking tarry and bloody. Abdominal tumors in cats are more often than not, also accompanied by rectal tumors. Surgery is the only possible remedy followed by severe radiation. However, post operative survival rates are low as the cancer may recur or spread to the other areas. While the causes of intestinal cancer in cats in unknown, the only preventive measures involve growing them in an environment with minimal pollution, protect it from consuming carcinogenic food and feeding it a healthy balanced diet. Close contact with the pet and observing its movements every day may help spot the disease or its symptoms at an earlier date. This may improve its chances of survival although it is extremely difficult to identify them at an early stage. Keep a look out for any difficulty in breathing, a stiffness of the joints while walking, limping about, minor injuries and sores that refuse to heal over time, foul odour emanating from it and lumps that seem to be growing in size.

Cat stomach cancer is a difficult disease to spot for pet owners as the symptoms are not very noticeable and it is only in advanced stages that the sickness begins to show. Cat cancer symptoms include frequent vomiting that is tinged with blood, increased sleep, lethargy, diminished reflexes and movement, stool that is black from the blood ingested, anemia that is caused by the loss of all this blood, loss of weight and appetite, and a refusal to let its owner touch its stomach due to tenderness and pain. The masses can easily be felt through the skin. At the hospital, radiographs, abdominal ultrasounds, blood panels and gastroscopy may be prescribed to find out the extent of the cancer. Surgery can be performed to remove malignant cells although radiation is not usually prescribed as it may damage the surrounding organs. Cat cancer causes are difficult to determine just as it is for humans, but it could in some cases be hereditary.

Cat Urinating in House Causes | How to Stop Cat From Urinating in House

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: — Nik @ 2:12 am

Cat Urinating in House

A cat urinating in the house is what every cat owner dreads. An important point to keep in mind when this occurs is that cats are fastidious creatures. Urinating outside their litter box is a sure sign that there is something wrong with them. The first question you should therefore ask your self is “why is my cat urinating in the house?” He is probably doing this because he does not want to urinate in the litter box. A cat will associate a litter box with urination and if urination has become painful an association of pain may develop with the litter box. In several cases, the cat is in pain and urinating outside the box is not simply bad behavior but simply an effort to urinate without the pain. Your cat may be suffering from a urinary tract infection. This is called Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). Your cat will need medical care if this is the case. Ensure you take your cat to the vet as this disease could be life threatening if ignored. Other medical problems that could be responsible for urination outside the litter box are liver disease, trauma, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, adrenal gland disease, bacterial infection, phyercalcemia, pyometra, colitis, diabetes mellitus, calculi, diabetes insiidus and phyocalcemi.

Another factor that could be responsible is stress. If you have a new pet in the house, a new baby, or if you have moved recently- all these can stress out your cat. If your cat has recently been declawed and a rough substance in the litter box causes pain to the declawed paw, he will associate the pain with the box. If the litter box is dirty or you are using a new brand of litter, the cat might move away and urinate elsewhere. Cats also urinate to mark their territory. An older cat may not make it to the box in time.

So, how does one stop a cat from urinating in the house? Address the reason behind this. If it is a medical problem, ensure you see a vet and treat the cat accordingly. Pay more attention to the cat if he is jealous of a new arrival. Keep the litter box clean and make sure it is large enough for your cat. Place more boxes around your house if your cat is old. Put aluminum foil over the area the cat has urinated. Cats do not like the feel or noise the foil makes. Never punish the cat for urinating in the wrong place.

Cat Red Eyes Causes, Remedy | Cat Pink Eye Treatment, Medications

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:07 am

Cat Red Eyes

Cat red eyes are symptomatic of an eye infection known as conjunctivitis. It is an infection of the conjunctiva tissue in the eye. When this tissue gets inflamed, it leads to swelling and redness and there could be eye discharge too. The cat’s eye may not open fully, due to this inflamed conjunctiva. If you notice that your cat has red eyes that are partially closed, take him/her to the vet. Red eye in cats may result in vision loss, if not treated.

The discharge from the eye may be watery or thick. The color can range from transparent to yellow to green. Greenish and yellowish discharges will be thicker. The color and consistency depends on the severity of the condition. It is also a key factor in deciding the course of treatment for cat red eyes. There are many causes for a cat to have red eyes. The most common cause for cat conjunctivitis is infection with the Herpes virus. It is also called “rhinotracheitis”. This is a painful virus and can cause some discharge and redness and often attacks only one eye. Some others causes of cat red eye are listed below:-

  • Eyelid tumors
  • Inflammation of the cornea which is known as Keratitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Keratoconjunctivitis also known as dry eye
  • Problems with the third eyelid
  • Exposure to smoke/pollen/dust/mold/grasses
  • Uveitis, which is an infection of the uvea
  • It can also be brought on by bacteria, fungi, chemicals or viruses
  • Trauma (like a cat fight)

Diagnosis can be made by a vet after certain tests are performed. Be sure to inform him of any symptoms your cat has displayed. Fluorescein staining may be carried out to detect any ulcers on the cornea or superficial abrasions. A shirmer test may be performed to check if the cat’s tear glands are working well. Other special tests such as complete blood work, a glaucoma test, bacterial cultures, conjunctival biopsy or scrapings to study conjunctival cells may also be required.

The course of treatment will depend on the cause of the cat’s conjunctivitis. If there are any substances in the cat’s eye, the eye will be washed thoroughly. Medication may be prescribed if Herpes is the cause. Eye drops or ointments will be given if allergies or inhalants are the reason. Injections can be given directly into the conjunctiva as well. Oral pills or liquids are an option for treatment too.

One cannot prevent cat conjunctivitis but one can ensure that the cat recovers from it quickly.

Feline Pancreatitis Symptoms, Treatment | Diet, Test For Feline Pancreatitis

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 1:14 am

Feline Pancreatitis Symptoms, Treatment

Feline pancreatitis is a gastrointestinal disease that occurs in cats. It is characterized by swelling of the pancreas. The pancreas produces insulin and other digestive enzymes. In cats that are affected by pancreatitis, the enzymes spread within the pancreas and other organs of the abdomen. This leads to inflammation of the pancreas. The toxins arising out of an infected pancreas may hamper the production of insulin. Feline pancreatitis symptoms include vomiting and fever. In addition the cat may also experience diarrhea, appetite loss, weight loss, lethargy and dehydration. However these symptoms are not unique to feline pancreatitis symptoms. They may occur in other conditions as well. Therefore a proper examination of the affected cat is necessary. Cats affected by hepatic lipidosis are more likely to develop feline pancreatitis.

The main causes of cat pancreatitis are intestinal parasites and infection. Pancreatitis in felines may also result due to the infection that causes feline distemper. Genetic factors could also play a role in the development of this condition. The role of genes is especially strong since it has been observed that Siamese cats are more susceptible to feline pancreatitis. Cats that are exposed to the insecticide known as organophosphate may be vulnerable to this disease.  Diagnosis of feline pancreatitis is done by examining the levels of the enzymes lipase and amylase. When these enzymes are present in high levels, the disease is confirmed.  Swelling of the pancreas seen through ultrasound imaging is also indicative of this illness. Biopsy may also be done to diagnose the condition, although many veterinarians prefer not to do it since the inflammation may be aggravated.

When dealing with pancreatitis in a feline treatment is mainly aimed at reducing the swelling of the pancreas. Symptoms of cat diarrhea may be treated through fluid therapy. In case of vomiting, the cat must be given water regularly. Nausea and pain may be alleviated through administration of medications. The diet may also be modified for a few days. In some cases, digestive enzymes are given to the cat in the form of supplements. It is difficult to cure chronic feline pancreatitis completely. Cats with this condition require a great deal of care. Proper cat diet and medication is necessary to manage the symptoms caused by this disease. In many cases, once a cat survives acute pancreatitis, there are very few chances of it occurring again. For recurring pancreatitis, the vet may prescribe ongoing antibiotic medication.

Cat Vomiting After Eating | Cat Vomiting White Foam, Clear Liquid

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:37 am

Cat Vomiting After Eating

Vomiting is one of the common complaints that is observed in cats which is also known as emesis. Emesis or vomiting in cats is defined as the ejection of the stomach contents via the mouth. At times the cat may also regurgitate food which is also diagnosed as vomiting. The cat vomiting after eating will include both undigested and digested food coming from the esophagus shortly after the food has been consumed. In case of regurgitation in cats there is no heaving prior to the emission of the food or bile which is observed when the cat is vomiting. A cat vomiting blood, white foam, bile or even mucus is basically observed on account of the forceful ejection of food from the upper intestine and the stomach. The vomiting begins with the cat salivating, attempting to swallow, following by a contraction of the abdominal muscles and finally vomiting with the cat making a gagging sound. A cat vomiting clear liquid or food may be observed if the cat has lost a significant amount of muscle mass within in esophagus resulting in a frequent dilation of the esophagus when they are eating. Thus the food is vomited even before it gets a chance to reach the cat’s stomach.

Certain physical causes of a cat vomiting after eating include the cat eating its food too fast without properly chewing it, overeating, high level of activity immediately after a large meal, food intolerance, food allergies, ingestion of foreign objects etc. Sometimes vomiting in cats is triggered on account of emotional factors as well especially when there are multiple cats living together. In such cases the cats tend to eat quickly and excessively as they are worried that their food might be stolen by another cat. There are also certain stressful situation that may result in the cat vomiting after eating are adding a new pet to the family or changes in the cat’s environment. Sometimes a cat may also vomit after eating on account of certain underlying medical conditions such as renal and kidney failure, pancreatitis, stomach cancer, inner ear disease as well as hairball and allergies. A cat vomiting often after food should be taken to the vet who will diagnose the cause of the vomiting and usually recommend an easily digestible low fat cat diet. It is also necessary to watch out for signs of dehydration in the cat and ensure that its liquid intake is sufficient.

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