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Winter Pet Health Concerns | Winter Pet Care Tips, Advice

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Winter Care for Pets:

Winters are not just hard on us, but on our pets too. Very often we tend to take for granted that our pets are animals that can fend for themselves, and we forget that they are just as accustomed to the warmth and shelter indoors as we are. Although most of our pets are a lot more in tune with nature than we are and are a lot more capable of surviving in a natural habitat, leaving them outdoors in winter does put them at serious risk. There is a lot that you can do however to keep your pet safe during these harsh months.

Here are some specific winter pet health care concerns that you should pay attention to:

  • Shelter: Try and keep your pet indoors as far as possible, and if this is not an option then make it a point to provide the animal with a shelter outside of your living space. Their shelter should be at an elevation and with some kind of a door or protected opening, so as to allow easy access for the animal, but protection from elements. There should also be some sort of heating, particularly to ensure the pet has access to drinking water. If the weather conditions are severe however, make it a point to keep your pet indoors.
  • Feeding: Pets that spend time outdoors would require a higher caloric intake to keep themselves warm. Feed your pet as per its needs and remember to make adjustments as the weather fluctuates.
  • Safety: Many species that are kept as pets and cats in particular, tend to seek out warm places for shelter. Sometimes this can pose risks as they often snuggle up under the hood of a car or near a generator, so make sure you check before using any device that could cause it injury.
  • Fire and heating safety: Take precautions when considering heating devices too, as they do tend to attract pets. This means that you need to be on guard as your pet may accidently incur burns or could even knock over the heating device that may pose a fire hazard.
  • Age and health considerations: Pets that suffer from any health condition or generally suffer ill health should not be exposed to the weather outside for long and the same caution needs to be exercised with old or young pets.
  • Frostbite: Your pets are also susceptible to frostbite, so make sure that any snow or salt is removed when they return from an outdoor excursion. Check for frostbite and apply warm compresses or simply a towel soaked in warm water to thaw out the affected area.

These are just general tips that can help address your winter pet health concerns, but it would be advisable to consult your veterinarian for more advice regarding your specific pet.