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Strange Cat Behavior | Weird Kitten Behavior

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Strange Behavior in Cats

Just as with any type of pet, understanding the animal’s character will go a long way into developing a stronger bond with it. Cats are one of the most popular household pets and are highly regarded for their aesthetic value and companionship. While each cat has its own set of distinct character traits and mannerisms, they are very alike in a broader spectrum of intelligence and behavior. The debate about which is a better pet to house between the dog and the cat is an age old one and compares a number of aspects between the two animals including the fact that a dog can be easily trained and can perform tasks for our benefit – facts that make the dog come out on top in most discussions. However, it is important to understand that they are two very different animals and have their own sets of positives. While cats cannot be trained as easily as dogs, their behavior can be modified. They do, however, have very independent minds and will usually revert back to their natural nature if they feel hard done by with the training. Given the fact that they are harder to train, strange cat behavior will also be substantially harder to curb. Excessively ferocious cats will tend to scratch and bite people for seemingly no reason at all and this behavior will need to be corrected as soon and as effectively as possible.

The indulgence of the owner while the cat is growing up plays a big role in the development of this habit, as allowing the kitten to play, bite and scratch a bare hand or foot will usually allow the cat to assume that this behavior is acceptable. To curb this behavior, you need to be able to identify when the cat is about to attack. It helps to have a spray bottle full of water ready and spray the cat a little just as it is about to scratch you. Avoid chasing the animal with the water or shouting at it as the spray of water is more than enough to help her associate scratching with the unpleasant experience of being sprayed. Another behavioral problem with cats is that they are very choosy about the food that they consume. However, studies have shown that this behavior is not one that is inherent in the animal and is usually brought on by allowing the animal to consume a variety of foods over a long period of time, thereby enabling it to choose preferences that will come back to bite you in the future. Cats are known to be willing to eat the same food, twice a day for their entire lives without a fuss.