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Travelling with Pets | Dog Travel Safety Tips | How to Travel with Pets

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Pet Travelling Tips

Pet travel safety is extremely essential. This is mainly because one’s pets are unable to take care of themselves so it is the owner’s responsibility to do so. For dog travel safety the main step is to ensure that the heat is kept off. This is important even if the weather is cool outside. Never leave the dog in the car or a closed vehicle by itself with the heat turned on. Even if one leaves a crack open in the window or the weather seems nice outside, it may be enough to kill one’s dog, if the temperature begins to rise. One should always keep one’s dog secured safely. It may nice to have one’s dog sitting in one’s lap for the journey or for the dog to be peering out of the window to catch some breeze, but this can prove to be extremely dangerous not just to the dog but also the driver. This principle holds true even in the case of cat travel safety. Hence always secure one’s dog or cat to the special harness that is available for one’s pets when travelling. Just the way one should never keep one’s child playing in the back seat without a child harness or child seat, similarly one should not keep one’s animals locked up in the car without a dog harness or a cat harness. When travelling one should always ensure that their pets are well hydrated and do not get too thirsty along the way. Make adequate stops to give them plenty of water. One should also make lots of stops along the way to ensure that one’s pet gets to walk and stretch its legs. One can use this time to give the dog or cat some food and some water.

Always keep your pet on a leash when travelling or walking in a new place. This is required even if one’s pet is not used to being put on a leash. There may be open highways nearby or unfamiliar terrain that can be harmful to the animal. If the pet gets lost it may also be very hard to locate again if in unfamiliar territory. One should always put a collar around the dog or cats neck which provides adequate information if the animal gets lost. It should have the owners address information and any other information that is essential for the animal’s safety. When travelling by air, make sure that the pet is kept in an environment that is not too hot or too cold. Sometimes the cargo area of the plane can face extreme climates.