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Unhealthy Cat Foods | Poisonous, Bad Foods for Cat Health

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Bad Foods for Cat

Cats are one of the most common household pets and are only rivaled in popularity by dogs. Cats are very affectionate animals and provide great company although they are very independent in their behavior as well as loyalty. While cats are usually known to be aloof at the best of times, only returning to their master during feeding time, cats can be quite affectionate if you can read those subtle signs. They are just not very vocal, and are a lot more independent and self reliant. However, this is a bond that needs to be developed over a period of time through mutual respect and trust. As with any animal, one of the most important aspects of housing the pet is to understand its feeding habits and preferences. Humans eat a variety of food that are also generally bad foods for cats, so eating the same food is definitely out of the question.

It is important to keep in mind, though, the fact that cats are essentially carnivores and that their teeth and guts have evolved over the ears to allow it to consume only meat, while grass and vegetables are consumed primarily for medicinal purposes. The domestic variety of cats are usually more expansive with the kinds of foods they try out, which could be significantly harmful as they are not aware what is good or bad for them. Here we will look at a few of the foods commonly consumed by humans but can be very dangerous for cats. Because of their very poor liver function, cats are unable to detoxify substances – making alcohol a very poisonous element. It is important to be able to analyze how much of the substance will be enough to affect the animal, though, and the factors that influence this equation include the age of the cat as well as the quantity and amount of alcohol consumed. The toxic content of broccoli has the potential to be poisonous in cats, but requires the cat to consume a substantial amount of it before it has any effect on the animal. While cats are generally attracted to milk, one should keep them away from coffee or tea as the stimulant content will only serve to make the animal that much more hyperactive. Unknown to many, milk is actually considered to be only a baby cat foods and has an adverse effect on adult cats because of its lactose content – which cannot be digested by older cats. This results in a stomach upset, intestinal discomfort and diarrhea.

Get to know about safe cat foods