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How to Stop Dog from Biting | Preventing, Stopping Dog from Biting

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , — Nik @ 11:20 pm

Prevent Dog from Biting:

Dog’s biting can be quite a problem for an owner to contend with. This is not only the case when a dog bites the owner but also when it bites someone else. A dog biting its owner is usually a case of a dog not having the required amount of discipline or the owner not having established himself or herself as the alpha leader of the pack. This is a problem on the part of the owner and not having established this early on could prove to be problematic and you would instead have to sometimes settle for just a peer relationship with your dog instead. When a dog is too aggressive with strangers, this is sometimes just a product of the dog’s personality itself. It has to be noted that dogs are a very loyal set of animals that form very close and tight bonds with their human family. To this effect, some dogs even have a problem when there are new additions to the family. In this kind of a scenario, respect and get other’s to respect your dog’s space and cooperation with the dog is the only way to get its trust – feeding and eating together is a good trust building exercise as well as being around the dog often enough for it to understand that you are not a threat.

Some dogs will tend to show an aggressive streak if it is mating season and this is a problem that most male dogs face. There are two options here: you could simply allow your dog to mate and fulfill that urge; the other option is to get the animal neutered. It is curious to note that some dogs can get self destructive and actually bite themselves as well. This is usually a psychological problem and a result of confining the dog in a space that is too boring and frustrating for the animal. It is worth noting that this is part of the compulsive disorders of dogs and tail-chasing is one of the other signs of a psychological problem in the animal.

A biting dog is nearly always similar in nature to a spoilt brat and to that effect, you can use some of the same disciplining techniques that you use for a child. Since dogs are a bit smarter, they can understand from your demeanor and change in voice modulation that you mean business and they will pick up on this.