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Best Indoor Dog Selection | How to Choose Indoor Dog Breed

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:22 am

Best Indoor Dog:

To begin with, in strict sense, there are no indoor varieties of dogs. All dogs need some form of outdoor activity, like a walk, and they do not always like to be confined in an enclosed space all the time. Remember that the dog is not an inanimate thing, but a living being, and therefore have its own demands. However, having said that, it is also understandable that there are certain breed of dogs that may adapt to indoor environments more easily than others. You can look up the dogs referred to as Toy Group by the American Kennel Club – they should be most suited as indoor pets.

There are a variety of questions you need to ask yourself before deciding on the right breed of dog suitable for your lifestyle. Once you have narrowed down your choice base on your criteria, it may easier to choose a breed that is more suited to your needs. For an indoor dog,

  • First of all, the dog should not be very large. A large dog may not be comfortable in a small apartment, and the owner also might feel the space crunch. Additionally, if there are kids in the apartment, there is always a risk that the dog may end up hurting the kid in one way or the other, without really intending to do it.
  • The dog should not salivate too much as this may lead to unhygienic condition at home. With little kids around, this may even pose health hazards.
  • The dog should be too noisy to annoy your neighbors. If you live in apartments, it is important that your does not pose any difficulty to your neighbors. A noisy breed of dog should therefore give way to a quieter breed.
  • The dog should not be overactive and should be able to go by with low maintenance. Therefore, dogs that do not need too much attention or grooming are better suited as indoor dogs.
  • The dog should not shed too much hair because it may be difficult to keep the house clean. With sick, fragile, or asthma patients around, it may be even more difficult to manage a dog that sheds excessive hair.
  • The dog should also be such that it is easy to take care of and also somewhat sturdy by constitution. A fragile dog that is prone to fall sick may not be suitable for growing up in an apartment. Plus, you may also need to foot a lot of vet bill.
  • Finally, it is also important that you choose a more social breed that can provide company to the whole family. If the dog is quick to pick up tricks, that should be considered as an added advantage.