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Puppy Chewing Training Tips, Advice | Stop Puppy Chew Behavior

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Puppies Chewing Training

Most puppies will chew on something. Puppies like babies tend to put everything in their mouths. Puppies try and understand and learn their new surroundings by licking and sniffing everything and by chewing on everything. It is the owners or the trainer’s job to teach the puppies which items cannot be chewed up and what is definitely off limits.

There are numerous tips to puppy chewing training. These include the owner spending some time in making their house puppy proof.  In this way the owner will spend a lot lesser time in shouting at or correcting the young pup. Thus it is beneficial to put away all breakable pieces of furniture and artifacts. One should keep away their plants and rugs. Cover all electrical wiring and put all trash bins out if reach of the pup. One should also put away all householder cleaners and toilet paper. Also shoes and clothes should not be left around in places that a puppy can reach.  Next one should give the puppy only a few toys that it can play with and chew. If the puppy has too many then it loses interest very quickly and will also not be bale to differentiate between what belongs to him and what belongs to the owner. The owner should try and confine the dog to a single place which is free from all dangers and also does not contain anything the dog can chew on and destroy. Owners should give their dogs plenty of exercise in the outdoors to thus get rid of any excess energy. Hence at a minimum one should give the puppy at least 2 hours of exercise in a day. One can try playing fetch or catch the ball. This will also stop the dog from chewing. If the puppy has a playmate then this can help it too as playing will help it to expend more energy too.  These are also good adult dog training chewing tips. One should try and train their dogs while they are still young. At this stage the puppy is more likely to learn faster and in this way one can learn to correct the minor problems and thus prevent them from becoming the major ones. An owner can use a bitter spray that can prove to be effective especially in the case of those dogs that are not learning that they should not chew on certain objects. A well trained puppy can be a delightful companion.