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How to Calm Dog | Keep Dog Quiet | Calming a Dog

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How to Keep Dog Quiet:

Keeping a dog depends mostly on the situation that it is presented with that makes the animal create a fracas. There are some dogs that are naturally quite excitable like sheepdogs and terriers that tend to get excited the minute someone knocks on the front door. There are also those dogs that haven’t been trained correctly and tend to lose their calm when at the vets for a shot. There are yet other dogs that simply refuse to behave when in the presence of other dogs. The first thing that you need to understand is that a dog doesn’t naturally have a sense of good behavior as we do. A dog’s behavior is mostly dictated by instinct and that too a very basic one. Another thing that you need to remember is that not all dogs will take very kindly to strangers and some will keep barking at unknown strangers as part of their protective nature.

Keeping a dog calm when visitors come home is really a matter of how well you have trained your animal. If you live in the countryside and are not a person that receives frequent guests, the chances are that your dog will get quite excited by the new face. To this extent, you must train the animal to get used to certain strangers. This can be done by trying to meet strangers in an open area that does not give a claustrophobic effect to the dog. The combination of an enclosed space and a person taller than the dog doesn’t really settle the dog enough. Also try and keep the dog near you with a hand touching the dog while you are in front of a stranger. You must also ask the stranger to not appear as if he or she is intimidated and be as natural as possible. Most dogs will do a scent check and settle down if the owner is also at ease with the intrusion.

At the vet’s things might be a bit more complicated and this is also something that your pet has to be accustomed to from an early age. A friendly vet is also a good and helpful factor in calming an animal down. When at the vet’s, maintain close physical and visual contact with your dog so it does not go into a panic. Some dogs that are not accustomed to going to the vet will have to be sedated a bit before coming in to the vet’s.