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Dry Skin in Cats Treatments, Causes | Feline Dry Skin Symptoms

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Home Remedies for Dry Skin in Cats:

Cats suffer from dryness of skin mostly during the harsh, cold winter season. If your cat scratches itself frequently and begins to lose dander at an abnormally high rate, you should take these as signs of dry skin. Your pet is also likely to lose the natural sheen of its hair if it is suffering from dryness of skin. A close observation of the cat’s skin may also reveal dry, crusty flakes at the roots of the hair, which are basically the thin outer layer of the skin that have lost their natural moisture content. The deficiency of certain essential nutrients in the cat’s diet may also contribute to the dryness of its skin. Dry skin may lead to dandruff in cats, which may lead to itching and irritation to the creature.

There are a few simple home remedies for solving this problem. One of the best ways of ensuring that your cat’s skin does not turn too dry is to regularly groom it with a soft hairbrush. This helps improve blood circulation in the cat’s skin and prevents it from becoming excessively dry. Also, make sure that the cat food you buy does not contain a very large percentage of corn. Instead, opt for those varieties of cat food that contain other nutrients in higher amounts to keep your pet’s skin naturally well nourished. You may also add 2 drops of fish oil to your pet’s food each day in order to enrich its diet with fatty acids that play a crucial role in keeping the skin supple and well moisturized. Once a week, you should also add a few drops of olive oil to the cat’s food as supplement.  It is also recommended that you do not let your cat out during the peak hours of the day, as the rays of the sun are at their harshest around noon and may rob the creature’s skin of its natural moisture content. Also, make sure that the room your cat spends most of its time in is not overheated due to the use of room heaters. It is a good idea to use a humidifier if you use room heaters regularly in order to prevent the cat’s immediate environment from becoming too dry. You may also try running a hot shower for 10 minutes and then place your cat into the bathroom full of steam for a few minutes. This may be useful in relieving the dryness of its skin.