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Glossy Ibis Bird Species Information, Health, Diet and Nutrition

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Glossy Ibis Bird:

The ibis is a species of birds that are classified as wading birds. These are birds that are native to most continents. The theory is that this is one of the old world birds that have existed during a time when the continents of Africa and South America were connected. This is was a time many millions of years ago after the mega continent of Pangaea started to break up and South America drifted away from Africa. Incidentally, this continental shift is still underway. The Ibis’ major fame comes from being a resident of Egypt and the Nile where it feeds in near marsh like conditions of the river bank.

The glossy ibis is a resident of the American, African, Australian, and parts of the Asian continent. The bird can be found in the marshy parts of the area it inhabits. It preys mostly on small fish and frogs that are endemic to the wetlands. It is also quite common to see this bird near areas where herons are abundant. One of the curious bits of information of this bird is that it is not one of the endangered species of birds in America. This is because of good breeding success inherently in the bird and the fact that massive wetland conservation effects have ensured good populations and that the species is not one of those covered under threatened species lists. This does not mean that the bird is completely free from human dangers. In the state of Florida, one of the most potent threats to the bird comes from the fact that its habitat is slowly being eroded and run off from farmland into areas of wetland is an ever growing threat to this species of the ibis.

The bird is known to have a very boisterous personality when in its native domain, which is wetlands and creates a variety of sounds that include some grunts and croaks. The bird is physically not that dominating in stature, just like other members of its species. It usually just measures 55 centimeters in length and 105 centimeters in wingspan. The bird is characterized by a brown bill, a dark face, and a dark brown or blue plumage. When they do fly, they do not follow the regular aerodynamic flying formation that most migratory birds use, preferring to instead just fly in a single line, south towards their winter hideouts away from the chill.