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Cat Ear Hair Loss Causes, Treatment | Cure Feline Ear Hair Loss

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Cat Ear Hair Loss

Cat ear hair loss is not a condition in itself but is actually a symptom of an underlying health condition. While in many cases, this hair loss may be caused by inherited genetic factors, it can also be caused by various infections and other problems.  Cat hair loss is medically referred to as feline alopecia or alopecia in cats and as long as it is caused by genetic factors there is no cause for worry. Some of the cat breeds that often suffer from ear hair loss and feline alopecia include the Siamese, the Burmese, and the Birman. However, it is important to have the cat examined to determine the root cause of the hair loss.

Cat ear hair loss can also be caused by factors other than heredity. These problems often result in discomfort and itching which causes the cat to constantly groom the area. Very often ear problems cause a cat to repeated rub their ears and in a while this repeated friction causes hair loss. Ear mites are one of the most common ear problems in cats and often results in cat ear hair loss. Examine the cat’s ears for brown waxy deposits as well as a foul odor as these are two of the most common symptoms of ear mites in cats. Fleas are another possible cause for cat ear hair loss as they often reside within the ear of a cat and can cause a lot of discomfort. Carefully check your cat for fleas to ensure that the hair loss is not being caused by a flea infestation. Ringworm is a rather common condition in cats and is caused by a fungus that thrives within the hair follicles. This is a serious skin condition and should be treated right away. In most cases, crusty patches form on the affected skin and this is one of the most common symptoms of ringworms in cats. Cat mange can cause ear hair loss but in most cases this hair loss would also affect other parts of the cat’s body. It may be necessary for the cat to be completely shaved in order to get rid of the mites. There are several topical applications too that may be necessary to completely cure this problem. Mange is very contagious, so if you have many cats, you will need to keep the affected one isolated. Keep in mind that it is important to get an accurate diagnosis from a vet in order to start treatment as soon as possible.