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Dog Vomiting Treatments, Diet, Causes | Why Dogs Vomit

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:03 am

Treating Dog Vomiting:

Vomiting can be defined as the expulsion of the stomach contents. All dogs experience vomiting at some point in time or the other. This condition can range from being sudden and mild to being serious and at times even life threatening. Occasional vomiting in dogs is quite a common phenomenon, which does not require any medical attention. It is simply the body’s way of getting rid of some unwanted foreign object or food that the dog may have consumed. However, repeated vomiting in your dog can be the indication of something serious, especially if it is accompanied by diarrhea, lethargy and changes in behavior. This situation calls for prompt and immediate medical help.

If your dog has been vomiting, then first and foremost it is important to determine how severe the symptoms are, and whether or not the situation requires medical aid. If in case the condition is mild, then the next step involves taking away all water and food from the dog. Do not feed your pet anything for a period of 6-8 hours. This will give the dog’s stomach enough time to recover from the shock that it has just been through. During the six hour fasting period, keep a check on the number of times the dog vomits or if it display’s symptoms of lethargy or diarrhea. If the vomiting stops and the pet appears to be behaving in a normal manner, then you can introduce small amounts of fluid. Make sure that the fluids are clear and that they are fed in small quantities.

Give your pet small amounts of fluid every 3-4 hours. Keep doing this for the next 24 hours. Do not switch to solid food immediately. The fluids will do the job of keeping your pet well hydrated, while also helping it to recover at the same time. Again, do not feed it large amounts of fluid, as this may simply induce vomiting. After a span of 24 hours, the dog can be fed small amounts of solid food. As the dog begins to regain it strength and shows signs of improvement, you can transition it to its regular diet. However, on the other hand, if the vomiting shows no signs of stopping during or after the 6 hour fasting period, then contacting your pet’s veterinarian is highly recommended. Finally, never give your pet any medication without the prior approval of a vet, as it could have grave repercussions.

Dog Vomiting, Shaking Causes | Shivering Dogs Remedies, Treatment

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:56 am

Vomiting and Shaking in Dogs

Dogs commonly eat things that they are not supposed to. This is bound to result in vomiting. Eating unfamiliar foods or even inedible substances could cause a stomach upset and result in vomiting. Vomiting can also be caused by gastritis which is characterized by an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. When vomiting occurs, the stomach requires rest and as such excess of food and fluids must not be given to the dog. For mild stomach upsets, food must not be given to the dog for at least twelve hours. If dog vomiting does not stop, the stomach may require another twelve hours to recover completely.

If the vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea it could be indicative of food poisoning or poisoning from other toxins. Illnesses such as salmonella can also have this effect. The vomiting could also lead to dehydration and hypoglycemia which can result in seizures. Presence of blood in the vomit or stools requires immediate medical attention and the dog must be taken to a veterinary clinic for an examination. Shaking or shivering is also indicative of some kind of stress or discomfort in the dog. It could occur due to injury or illness. Fluids from the body are lost during vomiting and as such dehydration is most likely to follow a bout of vomiting. The dog’s blood sugar levels are also affected, and hypoglycemia is likely to result. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include shivering and weakness. Hypoglycemia in dogs can be prevented by rubbing honey or maple syrup into the gums after every six to seven hours.

To prevent dehydration, the dog must be give small amounts of liquids constantly. During a vomiting bout, giving the dog ice cubes will help to avoid dehydration. It will also keep him from consuming too much water which will only cause more vomiting. In cases of food poisoning or gastritis, the veterinarian is likely to recommend giving the dog bland food that will not exert the stomach too much. Offer such food in very small amounts initially. Offer a bit more of the food once four hours without vomiting has passed. Keep repeating this until the dog is able to eat one third the size of his usual meal thrice a day. Once this continues successfully for three days, you can gradually get the dog to eat his usual food. It is important to remember that if vomiting and shivering occur along with symptoms such as bloody vomit, abdominal tenderness and swelling, pale gums and lack of improvement even after a day, then getting medical attention is very important.

Get to know about dog diarrhea and dog vomiting blood