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Dog Pregnancy Cycle, Timeline | Canine Pregnancy Period, Stages

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Dog Pregnancy Cycle

A dog pregnancy cycle lasts about nine weeks or a little over two months. The due date is determined by calculating the number of days from the day the dog mated and delivery can occur anywhere between the 58th and the 64th day. Since the dog pregnancy timeline is so short, things tend to happen fast and the owner will have to keep an eye out for minute changes in dog behavior. Of the dog pregnancy stages, in the first one month or so, no change is likely to be noticed in her diet and she may be eating as usual. Her vulva will be rather enlarged, about the same size it was during mating time. Dogs do not usually vomit and there shouldn’t be any vaginal discharge during the dog pregnancy cycle. However, if you do notice any discharge, she will have to be taken to the vet immediately as it could be a sign of an advanced stage of pyometra or some other infection which can not only be life threatening, but also cause her to lose her pups. She will have to be fed a high protein diet with the necessary vitamins and minerals in it as she is eating not only for herself, but for her pups as well. Since the pups will draw the necessary nutrients from her body, she will be severely depleted and malnutritioned if not fed properly. It would be ideal to consult one’s regular vet to check if she requires vitamin supplements and the amount to be given. The next particularly noticeable dog pregnancy stage is the fifth week where her nipples begin to show more prominently and take on a pink colour and her girth will generally increase with the hips broadening out as it gets ready to birth. By the 5th and 6th week, her appetite will increase and there must be an increase in her food by about 30 percent. Dog pregnancy period is also crucial in terms of her general fitness and to ensure that the delivery is smooth and without hassle, she must be taken for daily walks. By the time she crosses the sixth week, long walks may tire her out and she can be given short walks about thrice a day. After she crosses the seventh week, her feed amount will have to be increased again. A whelping box will have o be made and plenty of you newspaper used to make it as comfortable as possible. Make sure the room is warm and away from other pets, children and general noise and disturbance. She will require help at whelping to avoid any complication.