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Dog Not Eating Food Causes | Feeding Guidelines for Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:35 am

Old Dogs Not Eating

It can be very distressing when your dog stops eating. There are a lot of reasons why a dog stops eating. If your dog is sick, one of the signs is decreased appetite. Prompt veterinary attention is important because at times this could be a symptom of a serious illness. If the dog has been recently vaccinated then a temporary loss of appetite is common. Sometimes traveling and unfamiliar surroundings also lead to a loss in appetite. Some dogs suffer from motion sickness and hence lose their appetite. Some dogs are picky, and refuse to eat because they are not comfortable in their feeding situations; either the bowl is too high or it is not in the usual place or maybe it is being fed around another aggressive dog. If the weather is very hot then it is not uncommon for your dog to lose his appetite. Active dogs that have plenty of exercise eat well however if the dog is housebound and overweight it tends to lose its appetite.

There are many things that you could try to get your dog eating again. Some of these are:

  • Change the flavor of the dogs’ food. However don’t do this on a daily or regular basis as dogs like eating the same food most of the time. You could try switching between chicken and lamb.
  • If changing the flavor of the food does not help then try a different brand. Always remember any change in diet should be done gradually and spread over a week. This is because a sudden change of diet may affect the stomach and cause diarrhea.
  • Never add the gravy of the food that you eat to your dog’s food, especially if it contains onions. This is because dogs can develop a condition called hemolytic anemia.
  • Never leave the dog food in its dish for a very long time especially during the hot weather. If the dog refuses to eat its food then put it in the refrigerator for a while and feed it to him again when he feels hungry.
  • Gum problems and abscesses are two of the most common problems faced by dogs that are fed dry food. If you feed dry dog dry and he suddenly starts to avoid his food, make sure that you check for dental problems. You can also add a little homemade chicken stock to his food to increase its nutritional content as well as soften the food pellets.
  • If your dog is overweight then cut back on his treats and make sure that he/she gets more exercise and activity. This will increase his/her appetite and burn the extra fat.