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Dog Castration Aftercare | Recovery Post Castration In Dogs

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Dog Castration Aftercare

Dog castration is performed primarily to prevent the dog from reproducing. Though this is a surgical procedure, it is a relatively simple one. The recovery after such a surgical procedure is also very quick and complete but the dog owner may have to take a lot of measures in order to make sure that the recovery of the dog is complete. Dog castration aftercare is a concern for most pet owners as this is crucial to a swift and complete recovery.

There are special measures which can be taken to care well for the dog, especially after a surgery has been performed. The usual period for recovery for dogs is between 10 to 14 days. Typically, the surgery is performed in the morning and the dog is ready to go home in the evening. When you come to pick up your dog, have a lengthy discussion with the vet and understand all the facets of dog castration aftercare and the dog castration recovery period. You may have to help your dog get into the car after the surgery because the dog may still be woozy as the effects of anesthesia begin to wear out. Do not allow the dog to jump. You will have to carry the dog and place it on the back seat of the car so that the stitches remain intact and do not stretch. Since the incisions are also fresh, it is best to make sure that the bandages remain on the wounds till the dog is completely healed. If you have stairs in your home do not let the dog climb as this too will stretch the stitches on the dog’s abdomen. If your steps are smaller you may let the dog climb. However, immediately after the surgery, your dog may not have regained its balance and it will be helpful to get your dog to climb the stairs carefully.

Read more on Dog Castration Complications

Bring your dog to its bed or crate where the dog can go to sleep immediately after getting home from the surgery. Dogs will usually not have the energy to keep up a lot of activity after this painful surgery so it is best to let them sleep and regain their strength. The recovery will be faster if the dog is allowed to sleep properly. This is the best dog castration aftercare. If you have other pets or kids in your home, keep them away from your dog that has just had the surgery. This is an important part of the dog castration aftercare. The dog castration recovery will depend on how long the dog has slept peacefully in the days post castration in dogs. The other pets and children may disturb the dog and may play with it, causing delay in the healing of the stitches.