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Dog Acne Home Remedies | Canine Pimples Causes, Treatments

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Dog Pimple Home Remedies

Dog acne is common problem that affects dogs around puberty, which is mostly at the age of 5 to 8 months and can continue till the age of one year. The cause is usually attributed to hormonal imbalances that take place during adolescence. Though this problem can affect any dog it is found that certain breed of dogs like bulldogs, Doberman, Great Danes, and Rottweilers are more susceptible to it. The dog pimple is usually not a serious condition and goes away as the dog passes puberty. However, in some dogs it may become chronic as secondary infection settle in.

Dog acne usually manifests itself in the form of blackheads on the dogs muzzle, chin, and lips. As the sebum gets blocked under the hair follicles, the skin swells and sometimes also ruptures. Secondary infection may take place on the ruptured skin and make the dog’s skin itchy and painful.

Canine Pimple Treatment

Here are some common home remedies that you can try out to relieve dog pimple:

  • Give your dog a wash daily with anti-bacterial solution so that the infection can be controlled. If you wish you can also go for herbs with anti-bacterial property, like calendula. You can obtain calendula tincture from health food stores and mix it with the water to give your dog a wash. If washing the dog daily is not possible, you can mix calendula tincture (five or six drops) in a cup of water and use it to swab on the dogs face with a clean ball of cotton.
  • You can also use aloe vera gel on the dog’s skin to help treat dog acne. Aloe vera gel can also be obtained from the local health food stores. Apply the gel on the dog’s affected skin area several times a day. This will help keep out the dirt and also soothe the skin.
  • Do also apply a warm compress on the dog’s acne-affected skin. To do this, take a clean washcloth, soak it in warm water, wring out excess water and press it on the affected parts of the skin.  Be careful not to heat the water too much or the dog will find it difficult to stand. Keep this warm, wet cloth pressed on the skin until it turns cold. Carry out this procedure at least twice a day and it will help heal the acne quicker.
  • Finally, you can also consider sterilizing your dog as it will take out the hormonal imbalance thing for good and consequently reduce the chance of dog acne.