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Acid Reflux in Dogs Medication | Canine Gastroesophageal Reflux Treatment

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:14 am

Dog Gastroesophageal Reflux

Acid reflux is a common medical condition in dogs. It occurs when the dog’s lower esophagus sphincter, which is a small valve in the esophagus, doesn’t work properly. This natural valve opens up when the dog is consuming food to let the food pass into the stomach. However, if for some reason, the sphincter doesn’t function properly, it may open after the food has passed on to the stomach. In such a case, the food passes back into the esophagus and carries with it digestive enzymes and other gastric juices.

When this happens, the dog experiences a burning sensation in the chest. The acids from the stomach can irritate or burn the lining of the esophagus. The lining of the stomach is such that the acids cannot harm it. However, the same cannot be said about the lining of the esophagus.

Acid reflux in dogs is usually caused when the dog eats a very heavy meal, or a meal rich in fatty acids, right before going to sleep. Such a meal causes pressure to build inside the stomach and this causes the sphincter to open up. Normally, when the esophagus is healthy, it can withstand pressure up to a certain point. However, the pressure may mount and the aggressive gastric juices may enter into the esophagus and subsequently the mouth. A healthy and balanced diet can help make sure that your dog does not experience this problem. Another way to avoid acid reflux is to make sure that there is some gap between the dog’s dinner and bed time.

For treating acid reflux in dogs at home, the best treatment is to give antacids. These can help neutralize stomach acids so that the esophagus does not get very irritated. If the problem is severe, take the dog to a vet. The vet will prescribe medication for acid reflux in dog. The vet will prescribe some H2 blockers which can help block the acids from being generated.

Though there are many other medications that can be prescribed for dogs, it is best to avoid them since they can only provide temporary relief and have many side effects. Some of these medicines that the vet may prescribe for your dog include cimetidine and bismuth subsalicylate. Both of these help in reducing the discomfort caused by the burning sensations. These will also help reduce the nausea caused due to the acid reflux. The veterinarian can tell you the exact dosages of such medicines.

Gastro Esophageal Reflux in Dogs | Can Dogs Have Acid Reflux

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 5:31 am

Dog Acid Reflux

Gastro esophageal reflux in dogs is a condition where the gastric fluids present in the stomach and intestines flow back into the mouth through the tubes that connect the mouth with the stomach. This usually occurs when the muscular opening present right at the base of the esophagus relaxes for a brief period.

When the muscular opening relaxes in this manner, the gastric juices accidentally flow back into the mouth, bringing with it a bitter acidic taste in the mouth. This could cause chronic dog vomiting. Gastro esophageal reflux is extremely common in dogs. However, younger dogs and puppies are more susceptible to it than older dogs.

Pepsin, an acid in the stomach, in addition to bile juice, salts and other gastric acids can damage the lining of the esophagus. When in the stomach, they are contained by the thick muscular walls of the stomach. However, the esophageal lining is not as strong as the lining of the stomach.

Depending upon the amount of acids that flow into the mouth, varying amounts of damage can be caused. When the amount is not very large, there is a mild inflammation of the esophagus. However, when the reflux is large, it could cause ulceration of the esophagus, damaging not only the lining, but also the deeper tissue.
If the dog is seen spitting up frequently or is whining and howling in pain, it may indicate gastro esophageal reflux. The dog may not be able to swallow if the esophagus has been damaged badly. The dog may exhibit general lack of appetite and weight loss. In extreme cases, there may be a lot of salivation accompanied with fever.

Gastro esophageal reflux may be caused when the dog is being operated upon and is given anesthesia. Anesthesia may cause the esophagus to relax and the muscular opening to enlarge. If the dog is positioned incorrectly while surgery, that too could cause the reflux. It is therefore recommended that the dog should be made to fast on the day such a surgery needs to be performed.

The dog is subjected to an examination known as esophagoscopy to check for damage that may have been sustained by the dog. This is usually done by sedating the dog and then inserting an endoscope inside the dog’s mouth to capture a video of the esophagus. Sometimes, the examination also reveals in structural irregularities present in the esophagus of the dog.