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Pet Injury Causes | Injuries to Pet | Injured Pet Problems

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Pet Injury:

If you have an active pet, you must be dealing with a lot of injuries. Pets tend to injure themselves during their regular activities. Here’s what to do when your pet has injured itself:

Causes of Pet Injuries:

If your pet has been bitten by some other animal, it may not be feeling very benevolent. In such a case, it is best to muzzle your pet and restrain it before you approach it. Clean the wound first. You can use any antiseptic solution or even saline water for this. After you’ve cleaned it thoroughly, apply antiseptic lotion on it and wrap a bandage. If the wound is bleeding heavily, apply some pressure on it for a few minutes. If the bleeding continues, your pet may need stitches. Take it to a vet.

If your pet has accidentally burnt itself with chemicals or a heated appliance, apply some cool running water immediately on the burnt area. Wrap an ice pack in a soft cloth or a towel and give your pet some cold compression. Never apply ice directly to the skin. If your pet has a lot of swelling on any of its limbs, and is not able to move properly, it may be because of a broken bone. Check for bleeding and try not to move the limb at all. Cradle the injured area or support it so that it is not able to move and take your pet to the vet immediately.

If your pet is not able to breathe properly and its pupils are dilates, it may be in shock. Shock is usually caused when your pet has had a serious injury or has become very frightened by something. Our pets are highly susceptible to injuries on their paw pads. They may unknowingly walk on broken shards of glass or hot surfaces, seriously injuring themselves. If your pet has injured its paw, take a close look to see if an object is embedded in the soft pad. If there is an object, remove it using a clean pair of tweezers, wash the wound and bandage it properly so that the wound can heal.

If your pet has a swelling around the joint area and is not able to move properly, take your pet to the vet and get it checked for a sprain or a strain. Such injuries might be caused due to rough play or a fall on a hard surface.