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Toxic Plants for Cats

Most common household plants can be poisonous for cats. Cats are by nature curious and they may often go exploring in and around the house for new things. If a cat ingests any of the plants that are toxic for them many serious symptoms could result such as breathing difficulties, irritation in and around the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea and even kidney problems. Although many pet owners may also desire to keep plants indoors and in the garden, they must do so with caution so as to protect their cats from suffering any severe allergic reactions. Cats can also ingest the chemical fertilizers and pesticides from the plant leaves. Some of the poisonous plants for cats include aloe vera, baby’s breath, cactus, daffodil, eggplant, ferns, geranium, hemlock, ivy, juniper, lily, lupine and oak. These plants can result in various unpleasant side effects in cats.

The good news for plant lovers is that there are certain plants that can be considered cat friendly plants. As such these can be kept around the house without the fear of the cat ingesting them. These plants will also ensure that the cat does not go in search of other plants that may indeed be poisonous. One such example of a cat friendly plant is catnip. This is a plant that is very easy to grow and can adjust to all environmental conditions quite fast. Due to its rapid growth, catnip is better grown in a pot. It can be placed both outdoors and indoors and does not need much care and attention. Catnip also works well in naturally repelling pests, and therefore serves to also protect other household plants in its vicinity. Cats are known to find the scent of catnip leaves very appealing. They can often be seen rolling around the catnip in order to crush the leaves and avail of the fragrance. Another cat friendly plant is valerian. Valerian has mild sedative properties which appeals to cats.

You can also grow cat grass which grows easily and quickly. Cats enjoy wheat grass, oat grass and some other types of grass as well. You may grow separate areas of different types of grass or create a mixed patch of grass. Cat grass mixes are easily available at most pet supply stores. Other types of cat friendly plants include bamboo, dahlia, heliotrope, nasturtium, alyssum and catbrier. You can also grow common herbs such as chamomile, lavender, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, coriander and thyme.

Read more on catnip effects on cats