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Canine Lymphoma, Lymph Node Swelling | Canine Lymph Size Treatment, Cost

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Canine Lymphoma

Dog lymph problems may be of various kinds and should be treated immediately because your dog’s lymph glands are responsible for protecting his body against invasion by bacteria and viruses. When your dog’s lymph glands become enlarged therefore, it is evidence of the fact that your dog is fighting an infection. Lymph glands protect your dog’s body by producing lymphocytes or white blood cells that are responsible for fighting any invading viral or bacterial agent. When your dog’s lymph glands are triggered thus, they become inflamed as a response to the infection. Dog’s have various lymph glands located all over their bodies. These lymph glands can be divided into two types – external and internal. Swelling in external lymph glands can be detected easily as they can be easily located during a physical exam. Swelling in internal lymph glands may only be detected through exploratory surgery as your veterinarian may not be able to easily palpate them. Swollen lymph nodes in dogs may be indicative of various serious disorders and should thus be attended to immediately. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from enlarged lymph nodes, consult your veterinarian about possible courses of treatment immediately.

The areas where swelling can generally be observed is the area beneath the jaw, around the shoulder and near the joints of the legs. In addition, dogs can also suffer from swollen nodes in the area near the groin and this may make defecation difficult. Swollen lymph node in dog’s groin may be the result of a local infection or a more serious disorder and should be attended to immediately. Some of the most commonly affected lymph glands in your dog are the ones located in the region where the jaw meets the throat. If there are swollen glands in dogs throat, therefore, it is indicative of a local infection. Swelling of the glands in the throat could be the result of a sinus infection, tooth abscess or even salivary gland infection. In most cases, when the underlying infection is treated, swollen lymph glands will return to their normal size. Very often however, swollen lymph nodes are also the result lymphoma and this can be confirmed with the help of a few simple tests. One of the most common ways in which dog lymphoma is diagnosed is through fine needle aspiration. During fine needle aspiration, some fluid from the swollen lymph gland is taken out and sent to a pathologist for evaluation.