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Black Falcon Bird Species Information, Diet | Black Falcon Health

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Black Falcon Bird:

The Black Falcon is a large falcon that is a native of Australia and is not naturally found in any other place in the country. The black falcon is the largest of all falcons found in Australia. The bird is found mainly in open grassy areas or woodlands in the northern parts of Australia. It can also be found along tree lined water bodies in the Australian region. It is a raptor that flies at a high speed. It has typical wings which are long, pointing and tapering. Even though it is a relatively large bird, the shape of the wings allows it to take long flights. The color of the bird ranges from dark brown to a raven black. However, the throat is usually paler than the rest of the body. The feet and the beak are also different colored in a hue of bluish white.
Like some of the other raptors, the female black falcon is larger, about 22 inches long, whereas the male black falcon is only about 18 inches long. Other than the size difference, there is not much of a difference in the appearance of the two. The male and the female black falcons have a rather interesting relationship.

The black falcon is a relative of the brown falcon with the only difference being the color of the down and the absence of a barred tail. The flying action of the black falcon is also different from the brown one. While the brown falcon flies with slow strokes that appear like rowing, the black falcon flies with strong and powerful beating of the wings. The black kite may also appear similar to the black falcon but has a forked tail.

The black falcon is not a very commonly found bird and is sparsely spread in the inland of the Australian region. Like many other birds, the black falcon also has certain seasonal movements and may travel southwards with the change of season. It is nomadic and may also change its habitat with the changing availability of food.

The falcon preys on small birds which it hunts in midair. However, the black falcon is also known to hunt smaller animals that dwell on ground. Animals like rabbits, lizards, quails and rats often fall prey to the black falcon. Depending on the availability of food, the black falcon may also be seen feeding on dead carcasses. They are also known to steal their prey from other raptors.