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Betta Fish Health Problems | Siamese Fighting Fish Health Care

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Betta Fish Health

Betta fish are also referred to as Siamese fighting fish. They are extremely popular throughout the world and are known for their active nature and attractive color. Betta fish diseases treatment and care is quite easy to carry out. Betta fish are ideal for those who love to keep fish, but may not have the time to care for them.

Siamese Fighting Fish Health

As soon as you bring your fish home, it is advisable to become familiar with their movements and behavior. This will enable you to know if something is wrong just by looking at them. The bowl in which you keep the fish should be large enough in order for it to swim around without bumping its scales or fins. There must also be adequate surface area so that the fish receives sufficient oxygen. You may ensure good care for Siamese fighting fish health problems by providing your fish with clean water. These fish do not needs filtration systems, but a third of the water must be changed every 3 days. This will ensure that the water remains clean and fresh at all times. As a result the fish will not be vulnerable to fungal and bacterial infections. The old water must be replaced with aged water, which is water that has been set out for a day. One must also not place betta fish with other bettas since these are fighting fish. They tend to tear at each other and may even cause the death of a fish by the time they stop. Betta fish may be placed with guppies, corydorus catfish or algae eaters. Debris of uneaten food that remains at the bottom of the bowl may be cleaned using a turkey baster. These particles must not be allowed to remain there since it could contaminate the water and cause it to become cloudy and foul-smelling. This could lead to many betta fish diseases. The pH tank must be 7.0 and you can use a pH testing kit to minimize the PH of the water.

Do not use soap while cleaning the rocks, plants and other decorations in the bowl. It becomes difficult to rinse all traces of the soap and the residue of the soap may harm the Betta fish. You may use warm water to clean these objects. Betta fish tend to jump and hence the bowl must be kept covered. Betta fish may be fed with brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms. You may also feed your fish Betta pellets.