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Pet Goat Information, Facts | Billy Goat | Nanny Goat

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Pet Goat Info:

Goat information: Goats are considered to one of the earliest cultivated and domesticated species. Goats are extremely useful for their nutritious milk, for meat, wool, and skins all over the world. In recent years, goats have also gained in popularity for companionship or amusement. Female mammals in goats are known as ‘does’ or nanny-goats, while mature male goats are referred to as bucks or Billy goats; the young ones of goats are known as kids. Male sheep that have been castrated are known as wethers.

Goat facts: Goats are cud-chewing hoofed mammals with a stomach that is divided into four or three sections. Their diet usually involves rough or ground edible cornmeal blended with cereals, food grains, fodder and green herbage. Some stock raisers and breeders choose to confine the quantity of edible corn in the goat’s selection of foods, opting for specified diet feed blends, with the bulk of the goat feed being blended leguminous plants and other grasses, young shoots, twigs, shrubs, and leaves optimal for the goat’s nutritional requirements. Goat breeders need to be wary of two sicknesses that can wreak havoc in a goat herd, namely infestation with coccidia (parasites infecting the digestive epithelium) and pneumonia. Other concerns to stockmen and breeders are pathogens, worms and parasitic agents.

Goat breeds: Goat breeds fall under extended and distinctive categories. Depending upon the need and requirement of the breeder, the primary use and the demands of the consumer market, selective breeding among goat breeds take place for milk, wool, mutton, skins production, and in recent cases as companion animals. Some breeders also develop certain breeds for pack goats. Among the domesticated category there are a numerous distinguished breeds such as the Capra aegagrus hircus that are particularly noted in Iran and adjacent regions. Goat breeders’ societies often hold events, where specific goats and breeds are determined on distinguishing features or attributes concerning with conformity, udder caliber, indication of high milk production, long life, anatomy and muscle, wool production and the quality of wool itself.
Breeders or pet owners who like to display their goats normally maintain a recorded breed as the progeny of award-winning breeds or stock dictate a higher cost. Officially recorded or certified goats by a recognized breed association are often priced much higher, even if there might be no other reason other than the records that prove the goat’s bloodline and line of descent and other information regarding the goat’s ancestors, does and other roots.