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Buffalo Health Problems | Buffalo Health Care, Disorders

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Buffalo Health:

There are two common domesticated breeds of buffaloes, namely the American bison and the Asian water buffalo. The African buffalo although slightly larger to the wild Asian water buffalo is highly unpredictable in nature and hence has remained wild because of the dangers it poses to humans. Water buffaloes are widely used in transport, agriculture, for meat and for dairy purposes. 95% of the world’s population of water buffaloes resides in Asia, and more than half of them can be found in India.

Buffalo disease usually strikes newborn calves and hence buffalo healthcare must be carefully maintained and scrutinized by the caretakers. In most cases newborn buffalo calves become susceptible to external virus, harmful bacteria and poor diet. During the first two months of its life, optimal management and diet must be taken into consideration to ensure that the calf does not suffer from buffalo health problems later in life.

It is dangerous to deprive a young calf of its mother’s milk, as the loss of its mother’s milk can expose the young buffalo to harmful external stimuli and waterborne pathogens. Buffaloes are also highly susceptible to direct heat and extreme sunlight. Even if they are exposed to direct sunlight for a few hours in a day it can cause them to suffer from the heat. This is because buffaloes have one-tenth the density of sweat glands otherwise seen in cattle and a thin coating of hair that provides them only minimal protection from the sun. In order to preserve buffalo health, buffaloes must be refrained from being taken for long walks or made to walk long distances, when the heat is at its highest, during the day. As much as possible, buffaloes must be given ample time for wallowing in the water, throughout the day. Making buffaloes walk for long distances in the sun can eventually cause extreme heat fatigue and even death. Newborn calves are greatly affected by direct sunlight, and death can take place suddenly without warning. As compared to other forms of cattle, buffaloes are considered to be non-immune to only a few diseases and tolerant to a few others. Depending upon the environment and the region in which the buffaloes are reared in, reactions to diseases and differences between immunity can be seen.

Till a while ago, it was believed that buffaloes were immune and resistive to diseases such as tuberculosis. However, off late, researchers have seen that water buffaloes are highly sensitive to the bovine strain of TB. Both cows and buffalo herds are equally susceptible to infections diseases, especially if they are made to live in unhygienic conditions. One of the most important requisites for buffalo healthcare is sanitary living conditions with access to clean and non-polluted water pools.

Another grave buffalo disease that is considered to be dangerous due to the nature of consequences it inflicts among cattle herds is Pasteurellosis. This particular disease caused by Pasteurella multocida can easily spread among buffalo herds and cause them to die in large numbers. An effective way of preventing Pasteurellosis is to ensure that buffaloes are vaccinated against the disease.