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Entertain Dogs | Entertaining Dog Tips, Techniques

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , , — Nik @ 5:24 am

Entertainment for Dogs:

Dogs generally love an active life and can become extremely morose if they are not kept occupied and entertained. A certain amount of physical exercise is necessary for the health and well-being of your canine companion. The type and intensity of exercise you choose should be suited to the breed and age of the dog. This form of entertainment also helps to strengthen the bond between a person and their pet.

While there are several ways to entertain a dog, it would be wise to choose activities that focus on the aspect of hunting. This is because dogs are natural hunters and so hunting is an activity that is both familiar as well as engaging to a dog. A simple game of fetch- with a rubber ball will ensure that they get a good run as well as keep their spirits up. Puppies tend to find it a little hard to keep their eye on the ball and so it would be necessary to throw the ball with less force. It is also important to throw the ball so that its flight path is parallel to the ground or so that it bounces along. Dogs find it tougher to keep track of a ball that is thrown high into the sky. Frisbees are also very good options, especially if you are in a park or a large open ground. When you are indoors you can make a hole in a ball and run a piece of strong string or twine through it. Secure the other end of the string to the leg of a sofa or to any other immovable object. You will find that your dog can spend hours playing with this ball without the chance of it rolling away into unreachable corners. In addition to this, if you have company over, you can make sure that the ball is pushed right underneath the sofa, so that it cannot be seen. If you wish to, you could drill a hole through a rawhide doggie bone instead. Rawhide bones are especially recommended for younger dogs as they promote good dental health. However make sure that you use the flat variety of rawhide bones and not the rolled varieties as the rolled variety of doggie bones has been associated with an elevated risk of broken teeth. You could also play hide-and-go seek with your dog with his favorite ball or if you are in the mood for a work-out, you can play soccer with him instead. A game of tug-of-war is actually one of the most entertaining games for your dog as well as for you!