Indoor Cat Food
Cats, along with dogs, are the most common household pets all over the world and are able to provide very entertaining companionship and affection.
Although known to be more aloof than dogs where the cat will not really pay too much attention to its master’s mood as long as it receives its shelter and meals, some cats can be trained to show a little more consideration. Most cat lovers are known to house more than a single cat.
While dogs will constantly crave their master’s attention and loving, cats are quite the opposite and don’t really pay too much attention to these details. Although cats will usually thrive on free meal – which means that they will eat from an already filled bowl of food whenever they feel hungry – the tendency to over eat is a very common problem.
It is important to keep in mind the fact that probably the first rule of feeding a housecat is to prevent it from becoming obese. One of the main contributors to this occurrence is if you house the cat in an apartment with little or no room for exercise, making them lead a significantly less active lifestyle. As with any household pet the indoor cat diet plays a significant role in the kind of life the animal will lead.
Indoor cat food is not very hard to come across and kibble is produced on a large commercial scale allowing you to choose from a variety of meal types. It also helps to keep in mind the fact that cats are, essentially, carnivores and gain a number of nutrient and mineral content from animal sources. Because of the variety of choice when it comes to choosing the best possible house cat food, always remember that the best meals contain a high level of proteins and low carbohydrates. In most cases, the wet cat food tends to be more nutritionally balanced while also containing a fewer number of preservatives. Taking a look at the ingredients list on the side of the packaging is important and seeing corn mentioned in the first few ingredients will indicate that the meal is particularly high in carbohydrate content. The main concern with high carbohydrate content is the fact that the high glycemic content causes sugar to be absorbed into the cat’s system all too quickly. Looking for the AAFCO statement on the side of the packaging is important as it represents the guarantee that the indoor cat meal is medically safe for your pet.