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Best cat food

Best Diet for Cat

Taking care and watching out for one’s cat’s health can involve regular visits for veterinary checkups, a daily round of exercise and the persistent monitoring for any potentially life-threatening types of medical conditions.

But, another extremely vital part of taking care of one’s cat’s health also involves choosing a highly nutritious, high-quality cat food formula. Choosing the best cat food formula can be a difficult task, as cats have vastly different nutritional requirements from humans. Before purchasing any kind of cat food formula, reading the ingredients is vitally important.

The pet owners should be cautious regarding any cat of the food formulas that contain artificial flavors, or artificial preservatives or chemical coloring. But to identify these ingredients is not as simple. Some of the key ingredients to watch out for are Ethoxyquin, BHA and BHT.

Generally the initial five mentioned ingredients mentioned on the label of the cat food formula tend to make up the main portion of the food. It is possible to get a general idea regarding the contents of the tin by looking at these ingredients and thus one is able to gauge the idea of the actual quality of the product. Cats are termed as obligate carnivores and hence need a large quantity of protein to stay healthy. In wellness cat food 3 or 4 of those initial five ingredients are normally protein based. Many cat formulas contain a large amount of corn. But the vital thing to know is that corn a filler ingredient that can result in the cat’s having some serious health issues. Corn is known to have a large glycemic index effect. This is known to seriously cause irritation in the cat’s digestive system. Also a number of cats are allergic to corn. In order to get the natural balance cat food the owners can try getting cat food which includes combining half a cup of cooked meat and a single cup of some steamed vegetables. Grains can either be omitted or added in which case try adding half a cup of some grain. This recipe is a good example of homemade cat food that is easy to make. Some of the grains that good for cats include millet, brown rice, oats etc. For those cats that have an allergic reaction to grains, a grain free diet formula can be followed. Diets that are high in carbohydrates help in promoting health issues like heart problems, obesity or diabetes in one’s cat.

  Submitted on May 7, 2010