Cockatiels Breeder Species:Cockatiels are popular as pet or companion birds and are also fairly easy to breed.
They are also referred to as the Quarrion or the Weiro and belong to the Cockatoo subfamily. They are native inhabitants of the Australian outback region and prefer to live in the wetlands, bush lands and scrublands of Australia.
The plumage of male cockatiels is brighter and there is a greater degree of yellow around their chests and faces. In young cockatiels, it is difficult to distinguish between the sexes.
The lifespan of cockatiel is about fifteen to twenty years. Some reports have even shown cockatiels to live up to thirty years. The duration of life does however depend on the type of lifestyle of the bird. Exercise and diet are known to play an important role in a cockatiel’s lifespan.
Cockatiels have a pleasant nature and are quite receptive to learning tricks and mimicking sounds. They are also well known for their ability to whistle. Their gentle disposition makes them ideal pets for homes with children. Cockatiel breeders must keep in mind that these birds live very long lives and as such breeding these birds involves a long-term commitment. Breeders also need to ensure that their cockatiels are compatible and the pairs are matched well. Once the birds are found to be compatible, nest boxes may be prepared for mating. These boxes must be kept in a shady area and must be composed of thick wood. Cockatiels are a robust species; however, they must not be kept in drafty areas. They may also be prone to developing fatty tumors and hence the diet must not be high in fat. Cockatiels sometimes experience night frights where they begin to thrash about and risk injuring themselves. As such they must not be placed near windows where sudden lights may flash and startle them.
Cockatiels may be fed with cuttlefish bone or oyster shells. Additional nutritional supplements such as tonic seeds or vitamins are helpful in nourishing and strengthening the embryos. Food enriched with calcium is also a good way to ensure proper health of the birds. Sometimes the chicks may become affected with rickets and as such incorporating bread and milk in the diet is essential. The weight of the baby birds must be watched during the initial few weeks. At about three weeks, the chicks should be able to feed by themselves. The breeder must separate the birds at this point as they may be attacked by the parents, especially the male bird.