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Cat litter training

Litter Train Cat

Cats are naturally fussy in nature and prefer to go outdoors to urinate and defecate.

They tend to use unused open spaces to do their business and usually cover the waste properly after they are finished. In some cases, they may purposely leave their scent by in order to set territorial markings for other felines.

Many pet owners encounter the problem of their cats refusing to use the litter tray and as such cat litter training can be bothersome for both owner and cat.

This is because it goes against the cat’s natural instincts. As such it is essential that pet owners do not give the cat a reason not to use the litter tray. Litter trays or boxes must be kept clean at all times and placed in an area where the cat prefers to make use of it.

Apart from this main litter box, it is also advisable to place more litter trays at other locations. There are some cat training tips, pertaining especially to litter training which help to avoid problems and makes the process much easier. Most kittens learn to use the litter box by imitating their mothers and hence they are already trained by the time you bring them home. In case, your kitten tends to crouch in corners or scratches or sniffs, you can gently lift her onto the tray. When selecting a litter tray, choose one that is easy for your cat to use. If you have more than one cat in the house, set aside at least two litter boxes for each cat and place them in quiet areas of the house which are easy to access.

Place litter trays away from the food of the cat. Cats prefer private areas, although dark places like basements must be avoided. Also avoid placing litter trays in noisy areas such as where the washing machine is kept. The litter tray must be adequately deep so that the litter is not scattered when the cat digs. It should be sufficiently large so that cats can turn easily. There are also hooded litter trays available which have carbon filters that help to reduce unpleasant odors and also prevent spilling of the litter. Soiled litter must be removed daily and every week, the tray must be emptied and washed with detergent and hot water. Cats must never be left in the house without a litter tray as if they hold the urine in the bladder for prolonged periods; bacteria can spread through the bladder and cause infection.

  Submitted on April 6, 2010