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Infectious Anemia In Horses Symptoms | Regenerative Anemia In Horses

Filed under: Horse Diseases — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:58 am

Infectious, Regenerative Anemia In Horses

Just as with humans, anemia in horses too is a disorder where there is a shortage of hemoglobin in your blood and leads to weakness and lethargy. Hemoglobin is a kind of protein that transports the oxygen from the lungs to the different parts of the body and this is done through the blood. When this protein drops in content anemia sets in and can also in the long run lead to other illnesses as it weakens the whole body system. The main causes of anemia in horse can be due to an acute injury where there has been a lot of blood loss, through that the hemoglobin levels have dropped drastically. It can also be due to worms or parasites that suck blood and have left a lasting effect on the horse. Sometimes natural iron and vitamin deficiency as after effects of another prolonged illness can also be a cause for regenerative and infectious anemia in horses. Some of the most prominent symptoms of infectious anemia in horses are that your horse may become slow and lethargic and might just even refuse to do any kind of exercise. This may be due to a great deal of weakness; you might notice that your horse gets tired frequently and doesn’t have the energy it had earlier.

Infectious, Regenerative Anemia In Horses Symptoms, Treatment

Your horse may also show signs of appetite and leave its food untouched; as the general health condition of your horse decreases its coat might lose its shine and start shedding large amount of fur. A drastic symptom of regenerative anemia in horses is discoloration of the mucous membrane. These symptoms will help to warn you that your horse may be anemic and the best way of diagnosis is to ask your vet to do a blood test that will be able to determine the hemoglobin levels and the degree of the anemic disorder. The best treatment that you can give your horse is to make sure that it gets enough rest and is able to relax in its surroundings. Make sure that its stable is cleaned every two days and fresh food and water at all times so that it will not be able to breed worms or parasites. Changing the horse diet to one rich in vitamins and minerals especially one with a high iron content will help to thicken the blood and raise the hemoglobin levels.

Azteca Horse Facts | Azteca Horse Breed Colors, Information

Filed under: Horse Breed — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:46 am

Azteca Horse Facts

Horses have, for a long time, been a vital part in the overall development of our civilizations – playing important roles in not only transport, but also in the hunting and other means of food retrieval amongst a number of other chores. While horses are highly regarded for the immense usefulness that they provide in our lives, they are also very good and tender companions – with a streak of rather fierce loyalty. With the advent of the motorcar and other forms of transport vehicles, the use of horses is becoming more restricted to that of a pet or for sport as in the case of race horses. There are a number of different varieties of horses – ranging in special skill sets from being domestic horses and cart pushers to race horses. Within each group there are a number of sub breeds that have their own defining features. One of the most popular types of race horse is known as the Azteca race horse breed. There is a lot of information available on the breed and here are some interesting azteca horse facts; hails primarily from Mexico and combines three different bloodlines – the Iberian horse blood, the Criollo and American Quarter horse. All compiled Azteca horse facts show the animals generally being of a rather large size – no smaller than 14.3 hands on an average.

Azteca horse colors are generally solid and marks are generally indicative of the animal not being of pure breed. Some of the most interesting Azteca horse facts include the animal holding its head rather straight or having a slightly convex profile with small and well pricked ears as well as expressive eyes. The Aztec horses’ mane and tail are rather flowing and slightly arched with the tail set noticeably low.

Some of the more interesting Azteca horse facts when it comes to the animals overall physical profile and nature include the animal being of high agility, power, speed and strength. It is also an animal with an undying spirit – something that makes it one of the marquee racehorses of most circuits. Some of the more common activities for which an Azteca horse is used include bull fighting, reigning, team penning, polo, pleasure riding, and classical riding. The Azteca horse breed is widely known to be the national horse of Mexico, largely because the local populace at the time were of the opinion that Mexico needed its own horse breed. With the help of a number of local associations, breeding of the animal was rather rapid and increased the breed’s popularity in the area as well.

Large Breed Puppy Food | Best Large Breed Puppies Diet, Foods

Filed under: Puppy Food — Nik @ 1:28 am

Large Breed Puppy Food

Dog owners typically try to provide the best possible nutrition and medical care  to their puppy and nowadays it’s possible to have the right kind of nutrition for ones dog on account of the variety of dog foods available. Most large breed puppies should be ideally fed specialized large breed puppy dog food thrice day till the puppy is almost three months old. Some large breeds of dogs may appear to be fairly big and grown up physically even after they complete eight weeks of age however their stomachs are not big enough to handle the huge meals. While feeding ones dog’s large breed puppy dog food it is always advisable to keep the dog food bowl on the ground and not to elevate it. Many people mistakenly believe that raising the digs food bowl is known to prevent dog bloat however it has been found that dogs are in fact even more likely to gulp air while eating from elevated bowls and this is a serious risk factor for bloat.

Dog food should ideally be fed in stainless steel bowls as they are the most sanitary and are also the easiest to clean. While choosing the best large breed puppy dog food one should pay special attention to the calcium levels mentioned on the package as research has shown that for large breed puppies to have a safe growth rate they should be fed dog food that is low in calcium. One should in fact try and feed ones large breed puppy dog food that does not have more than 1.2 percent of calcium in it. Similarly a common misconception that large breed dog owners have is that such breed puppies need to be fed food that is low in proteins , however puppies actually need a lot of protein for optimal levels of growth and hence dog owners should not falsely believe that high protein diets would cause joint and bone problems in growing puppies. In order to meet the protein requirement of the large dog breed one may also add some turkey or ground beef to the dog’s regular food. One should remember that while deciding which dog food to purchase for the puppy one should always choose puppy food because adult dog food is specifically designed to meet the nutritional requirements of the adult dog and it may also be possible that the puppy may get extra calcium from adult dog food which is undesirable.

Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Quarantine | Equine Infectious Anemia Vaccine

Filed under: Equine Health — Tags: — Nik @ 1:00 am

Equine Infectious Anemia Virus

Equine infectious anemia virus causes a highly contagious viral infection in horses; it can be compared to HIV in humans. Equine infectious anemia virus is capable of producing its own DNA, which attaches itself to the various cellular structures in the body of a horse. In this manner, the virus replicates itself quickly, taking over the normal cells of the body and causing illness and disease. An infestation of equine infectious anemia virus can lead to the systematic failure of all the organs and organ systems in the horse’s body. Equine infectious anemia virus also affects the immune system of the horse.

Like HIV, the equine infectious anemia virus is also passed on through infected blood. This blood borne infection is passed mainly through mosquito bites, deer flies, and horse flies, all of which feed on blood. Also, similar to HIV, equine infectious anemia virus can be passed from a mare to the horse during mating and from mare to her offspring. However, blood swapping caused due to insect bites is the chief mode of infection. Till date there is no equine infectious anemia vaccine. There have been many vaccine trials, but unfortunately, none of them have been successful. Since the infection itself is fatal, the best possible thing to do is to try and keep the horses safe from exposure to the infection. Equine infectious anemia quarantine is one of the best methods to make sure that your horses do not get infected from an already infected horse. If you already have a horse infected, it is important to keep it separated from the others, in a quarantined area where the horse is not exposed to mosquitoes and flies, which may pass the infection along.

You can also read on equine infectious anemia testing

Another thing to remember, if you have an infected horse in your stable, is to never allow the sharing of needles when treating two horses. Be careful only to use disposable needles and destroy the needle after it has been used once. Sharing needles among horses is another common mode of transmission of the equine infectious anemia virus. Since this is a blood borne disease, a horse that has already been tested positive for equine infectious anemia, should never be bred, as this may only result in offspring that are infected, even if the mare is able to have a full term pregnancy that is normal in every way. If there is any blood exchange during the mating, the mare may also get infected.

Fin Rot Medication, Antibiotics | Fish Fin Rot Treatment, Medicine

Filed under: Fish Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:39 am

Fin Rot Medication

Aquarium fish diseases can be rather ghoulish and disturbing to owners, and fin rot probably tops the list. Fin rot is one of the most common aquarium fish diseases, but treatment with fin rot antibiotics is known to be quite effective. It is caused due to one of the several gram negative bacteria. While fin rot antibiotics offer an effective cure for fin rot, if left untreated, it can prove to be fatal for the fish and can infect all the other fishes in the tank.

Fin rot is a bacterial infection of the fins, usually brought about unclean water, unhygienic conditions inside the tank and/or stress that causes the fins to deteriorate. The most common cause of fin rot is elevated levels of nitrate in tanks where the water is not cycled properly. Fin rot may be caused by rapidly fluctuating temperatures as well as frequently changing pH levels.  Such fluctuations and the presence of toxins can continuously attack the fish, weakening the immune system and finally making the fish susceptible to the growth of bacteria. Physical damage or an attack by parasites can also leave a fish susceptible to fin rot.

Fin Rot Symptoms

Fin rot is not just easy to spot, it’s hard to miss, though in the early stages it would take a keen eye to detect. If you notice that chunks of your fish’s fin are missing, fin rot is possibly to blame. The common fin rot symptoms are:

  • The earliest symptoms that you’d notice would be the appearance of a white fluff on the fins, tails, and elsewhere around the extremities.
  • Fins fray.
  • The area may become red and inflamed, with bloody patches.
  • Fins seem to be growing thinner or more transparent.
  • Fins seem to be breaking off in large chunks.

Fin Rot Treatment

Fin rot treatment methods depend on its severity. Here are a few points which must be taken care of:-
It is important to address the correct root cause of the fin rot so that right treatment can be given to your fish. You must change the water in the aquarium. Fresh water will help the medication work faster and more effectively. Raise the temperature of the new water just a bit, if possible.

Since fin rot is caused by bacteria, the treatment should be with fin rot antibiotics recommended by a veterinarian. Tetracycline and jungle fungus eliminator are two of the most popular fin rot medicines.
It is very important to follow proper dosage instructions, as per the veterinarian, or as directed on the label of the medication. These fin rot medications usually come in the form of tablets which are simply dropped into the fish tank. If you see that a particular medicine isn’t responding well, you may have to switch the fin rot medications. However, before switching medications, leave the fish free of meds for 5-7 days. During this time, continue to change the water everyday so that any traces of the medication in the water, are eliminated. Though there are many herbal medicines and tonics available commercially, try to avoid them, sticking on with what your doctor recommends. Try not to mix medications into the tank.
If nothing else is helping your fish, try aquarium salt.

Fin regrowth is an excellent sign that the bacteria have been taken care of. Fin Rot is a disease which can at best be called opportunistic, so you must keep your fish in conditions which are optimal for their health. A steady temperature is important in maintaining good health, therefore try to avoid any major fluctuations. Also try to feed them a well balanced diet.

Domestic Long Hair Cat Personality | Domestic Long Haired Cat Breed

Filed under: Cat Breed — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:29 am

Domestic Long Hair Cat

The domestic long haired cat is a breed of cat with longer fur. The domestic long hair is actually the product of mixed breeding, over several generations. The domestic long hair cat personality makes it a great pet as it is a very social and friendly animal. The domestic long hair cat personality is in fact a contributing factor to its popularity. The domestic long haired cat does require regular grooming and must be bathed every one to two weeks. Due to this, these cats do not make good outdoor cats. You have to take especial care while grooming as their long hair is easily susceptible to matting.

The domestic long haired cat comes in a wide range of coat colors and patterns that could include the tabby, patched tabby, and solid, to name a few. Domestic cats with long hair are medium sized cats and on an average, they live for twelve to twenty years. Domestic long haired cats are a hearty breed of cat and do not have any specific medical problems, but they are prone to obesity so it is important to monitor their diet. Since these cats are susceptible to gaining weight and live an indoor lifestyle be sure to give them cat toys so they can get proper exercise.

If you own a long haired cat, then brushing the cat’s fur on a regular basis, preferably weekly,  would help to prevent matting and hairballs. Long haired cats experience severe shedding in two stages. The summer coat is shed in fall and in preparation for winter a new heavier coat is grown. This heavy coat is lost in spring when a lighter coat appears in anticipation of the summer months. Although there are literally hundreds of different domestic long hair cat breeds to choose from, there are a few that are especially popular. One is the Persian cat and another is the Balinese. The natural domestic long hair cat breeds are Maine coon, Norwegian forest cat, Siberian, and German long hair.
Many owners of long haired cats are tempted to simply snip off the matted fur with a pair of scissors to save themselves the inconvenience of having to comb it out. This really should be avoided if you’re not trained to do so, as you may hurt its skin. It is vital that the domestic long haired cat is groomed as it removes dead hair, reduces hairballs and stimulates the skin and circulation. Starting and sticking with a grooming routine early in the cat’s life can create a bonding opportunity.

Cats are always attention seekers and want to get lots of petting and attention, and you will find these traits to be inherent to the domestic long hair cat personality as well. If you are not going to be able to devote enough time to your pet then you should think twice before getting one as a pet. Overall, these cats are graceful, gentle, and beautiful creatures that make great pets.

Angelfish Care Secrets | Angelfish Diseases And Habitat

Filed under: Fish Care — Tags: — Nik @ 12:19 am

Angelfish Care Secrets

Angelfish are one of the most beautiful and eye-catching fish in any reef. They are known for their timid nature, which makes them great as pets. Their beauty, size, and ease of care are a few reasons why Angelfish are so popular as pets.

By following these angelfish care secrets, you can help pet fish live a long and healthy life in your aquarium. A proper diet and nutrition is essential for these beautiful creatures to survive. They can be fed with all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. By giving them special care and proper food supplies, you will get healthier angels. Angelfish care secrets pertaining to their environment are probably among the most useful because of the tremendous influence that their surroundings have on their health. You should provide the right kind of aquarium for them with the optimal water temperature, filtration system, water pH, and some live plants. Good water quality will make your angels healthy and lively. Here are a few interesting angelfish care secrets and facts:

  • Angelfish can grow larger than the size of your palm
  • Angelfish can be kept with any type of small fish
  • Angelfish can live over 15 years
  • They eat algae, worms, shellfish, and sponges
  • They are best kept in a warm aquarium, ideally around 80°F (27°C). They prefer a pH of below 7.5 but can thrive in a wide range of pH values.

As a responsible owner you must be aware of the normal behavior of your fish. Any unusual behavior is generally an indication of illness or disease. It is important to detect the problem and get your fish treated in time.  One of the best courses of action is heat treatment. For proper and effective heat treatment, all that is required is to raise the temperature of the aquarium over a period of 24 hours to 95 °F to- 96 °F. Maintain the same temperature for at least a week. You must ensure that the aeration is good.

There are many types of afflictions that can affect the health of your angel fish. The most common maladies seen are usually either bacterial or parasitic in origin. Diagnoses of angel fish diseases can be very tricky sometimes. Here are a few guidelines which will help you to identify the current state of your fish:
If your angel fish are not eating, that means they have internal parasites. In such cases, you must immediately heat the tank for a week to 10 days. This helps in stimulating their immune system and gets them eating again. Rotting fins are a symptom which you must look out for. Rotting fins are either the result of introducing a virulent pathogen or from overfeeding. Angel fish that have red streaks around the mouth or base of the dorsal usually have a systemic bacterial infection. This type of angel fish disease requires medicated food with an antibiotic to cure your fish. If you see you angel fish floating around in the current, this implies that it has a swim bladder infection. This angel fish disease almost always results in a fish that has permanent swimming difficulty and prevention is the only cure.

Preventive Measures for Angel Fish Diseases

Some steps can be taken to reduce the possibility of your fish getting a disease which include:

  • Quarantine new fish before adding them to the aquarium.
  • Avoid stressing the fish with rough handling or sudden changes in conditions.
  • Never over feed your fish.
  • Remove sick fish to a hospital tank for treatment.
  • Don’t let any metal come in contact with the aquarium water.

Cat Pregnancy Week By Week | Cat Fetal Development Week

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: — Nik @ 2:30 am

Cat Pregnancy Week By Week

The different cat pregnancy stages are observed over a period of 63 days which is the typical feline gestation time. The prominent cat pregnancy symptoms are typically observed around the first three weeks of pregnancy. A cat pregnancy week by week change will be observed in the form of the cat’s nipples becoming pinkish in color and also slightly enlarged in week 3 of feline pregnancy. However during week 3, the belly of the cat will not show any visible signs of swelling. During week 4 of the cat pregnancy week by week, the belly will start becoming visibly swollen and additionally the swelling of the nipples will also become more prominent. Many cat owners have also noticed an increase in the appetite of the cat during week 4 of feline pregnancy. In week 5 of feline pregnancy, the vet will insist that special attention be given to the cat’s pregnancy diet so as to benefit her and the kittens. In week 6 of the cat pregnancy week by week, the cat pregnancy is very obvious and the pregnant cat may also display certain behavioral changes.

The cat may be observed moving around with much more care and not undertake too much of twisting or stretching actions. A cat that would prefer being outside before pregnancy would now want to mostly stay inside the house. The pregnant cat’s appetite will continue to increase all through week 6 of its pregnancy. One of the most obvious signs in week 7 of pregnancy is a change in the cat’s behavior wherein the cat may display some signs of excitement. This is commonly known as the quickening stage which is one of the cat pregnancy stages and the onset of this stage is brought about because of the movement of the fetuses. During week 7 of feline pregnancy, the cat may start stretching and rolling and may also start hunting for suitable spots in the vicinity where it could give birth. Hence many cat owners are encouraged to keep their pregnant cat inside during this stage of pregnancy so that the cat does not make a nest outside the house. In some cases labor and birth may commence as early as 61 days after conception or even as late as 70 days in some cats. Labor and delivery is the final stage of the cat pregnancy stages and this usually commences with the cat getting restless followed by the onset of contractions which may increase in frequency in due time.

You can also read on cat gestation

Dog Blind in One Eye – Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: — Nik @ 2:12 am

Dog Blind in One Eye

Blindness is loss of vision. When a dog is blind in one eye you wouldn’t notice any behavioral changes as the dog continues to act normally. They can very well memorize their surroundings and are remarkably adaptable. So when they lose vision in one eye, their other senses compensate quiet a lot for the vision loss and you won’t realize it immediately. A dog, blind in one eye, behaves just like any dog with complete vision.

Dog Blindness Causes

Dog blindness has causes that could vary greatly and include conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, uveitis, corneal disease, retinal inflammation and infection, and disease of the optic nerve and occipital cortex. Your vet will be able to examine your dog and identify the cause for loss of vision. Dogs usually rely on their hearing and smelling senses rather than vision. These senses become more acute as their eye sight fails.

One way to test a dog’s vision is to rearrange the room furniture and observe how the dog walks. If it walks with confidence without colliding with any furniture, its eyesight is normal. If it hesitates and collides with furniture, you need to get its eyesight checked. This is the most common symptom of a dog blind in one eye.

Dog Blindness Symptoms

If you are observant enough you will notice some common dog blindness symptoms.

  • A dog may bump into objects from the side where it has lost vision. This is a very common thing that you will notice if it has lost vision in one eye. The dog may walk close to the wall on the side on which it is blind just for the comfort and support.
  • A dog blind in one eye has lack of depth perception. So, such dogs may avoid climbing stairs or jumping from heights.
  • A blind dog usually relies on its companions to compensate for loss of vision in one or both eyes. For example, a blind dog may follow another dog when outside in the yard.

Diagnostic Tests for Blindness in Dogs

  • Complete blood count
  • Blood pressure
  • Electroretinography
  • Serologic tests
  • Cerebral spinal fluid tap
  • Ultrasound examinations, CAT scans, and MRI.

You can treat the blindness successfully if you know the exact cause. Therapy for blindness always depends on an accurate diagnosis and treating the causative factor. Fortunately, dogs can live a very high quality life in spite of blindness. You need to take extra and special care of the dog and train it well so that it doesn’t face any trouble. If dog appears to become blind suddenly, this calls for emergency medical attention and you should consult a veterinarian immediately.

You can also read on blind dog training

Dog Nausea After Eating – Treatment, Remedy And Medications

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:06 am

Dog Nausea After Eating

Some of the common causes for nausea in dogs include motion sickness, pregnancy in case of female dogs, eating too much too quickly, a blockage in the stomach or intestine, change in the diet etc. The common symptoms displayed by a dog who is feeling nauseous include excessive drooling, dry heaving, excessive licking and chewing, diarrhea etc. Many a times there may be dog nausea after eating and this may be because of the dog eating its food too fast or a blockage in the dog’s digestive tract or simply because the dog has yet to adjust to a new addition to its daily diet. Before undertaking any dog nausea treatment it is important to determine the exact cause of the vomiting and nausea and to also check whether it is a single episode or a  the dog has been vomiting or feeling nauseous frequently. Some dog nausea medications are specifically designed to treat serious illnesses like food poisoning or gastric dilation and volvulus, which are commonly referred to as bloat or GDV. Sometimes dog nausea after eating may also be observed if the dog has some food particle lodged in its throat. which it is trying to expel or if it has ingested a foreign material which is interfering with the digestion process.

Dog nausea home remedies include taking away the dog’s access to food for 12 to 24 hrs from the first episode of vomiting depending on the severity and the frequency of the vomiting. This will help the dog’s stomach to recover and rest. The dog may also be given some maple syrup in the ratio of one large spoon of maple syrup for every 15 pounds of the dig’s weight. In case of dog nausea, the owner should also monitor the amount of water the dog is drinking because a typical response to nausea in dogs is excessive fast drinking of water which will again cause the dog to vomit thereby worsening the upset stomach of the dog. In case the dog refuses to drink any water then the owner should feed the dog some diluted clear soup such as chicken soup or low sodium broth so as to ensure that the dog is not dehydrated. Once the time limit of at least 12 hours following vomiting has passed, the dog may be fed a couple of bites worth of food and if he is able to hold that food down for at least four hours then he may be fed some more, but not his complete meal.

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