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Rat care

Rat Care

Rat facts: Rats live for about two to three years, and are 9-11 inches in length, and their tails are about 7-9 inches long.

Rats are nocturnal creatures. Rats are social and are best kept with other rats. It is important to remember that rats reach puberty at 6-8 weeks of age, though it’s advisable to prevent them from breeding at this time. Female rats go into heat every 4-5 days for 24 hours.

If you are planning to keep a rat as a pet, then you must know that these social creatures are intelligent animals and can be easily tamed.

They are low maintenance pets and can be cared for very easily. They need to be exercised outside their cage every day, and are best in the company of other rats. You can keep two or more rats of the same sex, and introduce them to each other early in their lives. Rats are curious creatures.

Choosing a pet rat is important to avoid getting home rats that are panicky and restless.

Also, if the rat is far too quiet, then you should not think of getting it home as a pet. A good pet should be active and alert, and physically the rat should have a well rounded and firm body. Young rats will be lean and trim. The orifices of the rat should be free from any discharge and the coat should be well groomed and clean. The tail and ears should be a healthy pink, and the rat should be free from sores.

Caring for Rats

Taking care of a pet rat is important if you’ve decided to get one for yourself. In this pet rat care guide, we’ll share tips to help you groom and care for your pet rat.

Cage: First of all, you need to provide your pet rat with a home. A large wire cage is generally suitable for a rat and the horizontal bars are good for it to climb along on. You can also install platforms and ramps in the cage. Alternatively, you might like a large aquarium for your pet rat. You should not get a cage with wire flooring as rats can get ‘bumblefoot.’

Bedding: You should not get pine and cedar wood shavings. Aspen shavings are advisable as bedding material. You can visit a pet store and choose from the variety of pet bedding options. An absorbent material that isn’t dusty and very safe for small pets is advisable for your pet rat. You must also provide nesting material.

Accessories: Do provide toys like platforms, blocks of wood, hammocks, and ropes for the rat in its cage.




  Submitted on July 14, 2010  

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