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Cat home care

Cat Home Care

Cat home care begins with getting to know your cat better.

Getting to know your cat better includes planning his/her diet, making health assessments for a proper health care routine and litter training, among other things. Firstly, ensure that your cat has been to the veterinarian for a thorough health check to help you determine his/her dietary needs and to plan for vaccinations. Your cat may have specific nutritional requirements or allergies that have to be taken into account while planning his/her diet.

In addition, depending upon your cat’s age and health requirements, your veterinarian will help you decide what kind of vaccination your cat may require. Cat vaccinations will help prevent certain kinds of infectious diseases that your cat may be susceptible to. Cat home care also includes planning your cat’s diet.

You should choose cat food that is most suited to your pet’s specific needs. In addition, ensure that you only purchase trustworthy brands of cat food and check labels carefully to ensure that it contains no harmful ingredients.

In addition to planning your cat’s diet, another important aspect of cat home care includes litter box training. Your cat needs to learn how to live in your home and needs to undergo litter box training to help control where he/she eliminates. Choose your cat’s litter box carefully and ensure that it is comfortable for your cat to use and for you to clean. A litter box with a lid will help you control its odor and will prevent your cat from eliminating outside it. Choose an ideal location for your cat’s litter box. For instance, it should be in a place that is private enough for your cat to eliminate and in a place where it is easy to clean and where it odor will not bother you. Your cat may need to be neutered if you are worried about it spraying or to avoid pregnancy. Cat grooming is an important part of how to care for your cat. Grooming includes brushing your cat’s coat and checking for parasites. Minor parasite invasions can be taken care of with treatment but it is important to diagnose them early. Cats generally have the tendency to knead and scratch surfaces and it is important for cat owners to be prepared for this. Placing a thick rug on your lap while playing with your cat may help protect you from his/her sharp claws when they are kneading.

  Submitted on June 1, 2010