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Diet to keep your cat healthy and fit
How to force feed a cat? - November 7, 2011
How much food to feed a cat?Food for a cat needs to be nutritive and healthy. The best bet for pet owners today is to choose from the variety ...
What food can I give my cat to dissolve bladder stones? Treating bladder crystals in cats. - April 28, 2010
The formation of stones in the bladder is also known as Urolithiasis. These stones can be found anywhere in the urinary tract, kidneys, ureter or even...
What is an ideal diet for a cat with UTI? Foods to prevent urinary tract infection in cats. - April 28, 2010
Cat urinary tract infection or UTI in cats is a very common problem that should not be taken lightly. Urinary tract infection in cats is a serious ...
Why Do Cats Like Catnip? - April 20, 2010
Nepeta Cataria or catnip is a member of the mint family. It is a perennial herb and is native to Asia and Europe and has been imported to America and ...
Can cat eat dog food? - April 13, 2010
Cat Eating Dog Food Food is an essential part of every living being as it serves as the primary source of energy that one needs to perform their ...
How much water a cat should drink? - March 9, 2010
Cats need fresh drinking water every day to maintain optimum health. A cat’s body is made up of 80 per cent of water. Water is necessary for all...

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