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How to Stop Dog from Nipping?

(June 8, 2010)

Dogs explore the world with their mouth. Some teething behavior like dog nipping and biting are normal attention seeking dog behavior. Dog nipping and play biting are typical behavioral patterns that are redirected and corrected during puppy hood, but may persist until adult hood. By the time your dog is grown and has sharp permanent teeth, if it continues with this behavior of nipping or biting, it can cause substantial damage to you or your family members. Dogs tend to nip a lot while playing, and their teeth can easily puncture skin. Moreover, a nipping dog does not learn to curb this behavior. Puppies often nip or mouth the clothes and body parts of people and other animals as a part of their play. However, there are many effective ways to stop dog nipping which again requires a little bit of commitment, consistency, and patience.

Dogs learn certain behaviors while they are puppies. For instance, when a puppy plays inappropriately with an adult dog, the adult nips back teaching the pup what type of mouthing is appropriate. But if your dog doesn’t know any better and continues to nip, you can always opt for dog training for nipping. Dog nipping can evolve into a serious problem, so it is best to find out which method works, and employ them to teach your dog:

  • You must immediately stop playing with your dog when it starts nipping. Doing so will make it realize that you are getting hurt by its behavior.
  • The most effective method is the "Yelp and Shun" method. You must yelp in a loud voice when it comes to bite you. After this turn away from it and refuse to play with it. Doing so will make it learn that nipping makes people turn away from it.
  • When your dog tries to nip you, flip it onto its side while holding its scruff to showing your dominance.
  • When your dog grabs your hand, flip it around him and wrap it around its muzzle. Also, hold its mouth closed for a few seconds.
  • You should ignore your puppy for sometime after biting or nipping occurs. This teaches the young dog that inappropriate nipping during play signals the end of play time and fun, thus discouraging it from nipping.
  • Provide some hard rubber chew toys to your dog for chewing.
  • You must discourage all forms of dog nipping, whether it's a bite on your arm or a nibble on your finger. A consistent approach will help your young friend learn good behaviors faster. Make it clear that all bites are painful and unacceptable to humans. You must reinforce your puppy's good behavior by praising it or giving food treats whenever it plays nicely and appropriately. This helps your dog learn things faster.
Submitted by N M on June 8, 2010 at 04:14


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