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How to Carry and Handle Dog?

(May 24, 2010)

Once in a while, as a dog owner, it will be necessary for you to carry your dog. In some cases, this may be because your dog is ill and therefore too weak or unwilling to walk. Sometimes an injury may also leave a dog unable to walk or perhaps unwilling to walk because of the pain or discomfort. If your dog is injured, it may simply be safer to carry her, in order to avoid further damage to the affected part. Sometimes it may also be necessary to carry your dog simply for the sake of safety. Whatever the reason may be, it is important that you know how to carry your dog, so that it does not become uncomfortable or dangerous for either of you. Here are some tips on how to handle your dog, no matter how big or small he is:
  • One of the most important things you need to do is to get your dog used to being handled and carried, preferably right from the time he is a puppy. This also helps you, as is certainly easier to carry a pup than a fully grown dog. This way, you can gradually get used to carrying your dog as he grows. Of course, it is never too late to start, so even if you have an adult dog who is unused to being carried, you can gradually habituate her to it. Just ensure that you go slowly, do not force the dog, and make every occasion pleasant for her.
  • It is best to carry your dog from a standing position. While the dog is standing, wrap one arm around the dog's chest with your hand turning back in to provide support behind the front legs. Wrap your other arm around the hips, with the tail tucked in under your arm. Once you have a firm grip in this position, you can lift your dog. This technique works well with almost any dog, no matter how big, as long as you can physically handle the weight.
  • Of course, for dogs that are extremely small, this technique may be more clumsy than helpful. If this is the case, the best way to carry your dog may be to tuck him under one arm, with your hand providing support between the front legs.
There are some precautions that you should take when carrying your dog:
  • It may be advisable to muzzle your dog before carrying her, especially if she is injured. An injured dog may bite out of pure pain and fear.
  • When using the first technique, never leave the tail free – in case you lose your grip, the tail might get injured as the dog falls.
Submitted by N M on May 24, 2010 at 05:03


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