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My cat has black spots like blackheads

(April 28, 2010)

Black spots or black heads, also known as acne, is a common condition many cats face. There are a number of reasons why these spots develop but thankfully it is curable. These spots are most noticeable on the chin, lower lip and face. One of the main signs that the cat has acne is that the facial fur is very greasy and the entire body may appear matted and not as clean as it usually is. At the initial stages the acne is hardly visible and you need to look really close to be able to see the black spots. As a result of this many cat owners are not inclined to treat it in time. Cat skin care can help your cats’ skin and fur stay healthy.
You probably have noticed your cat rubbing its face against many household objects. The cat is simply marking its territory. When the cat does this it activates its facial sebaceous glands where an oily secretion is produced. This oily secretion also helps waterproof the cats coat and protects the skin. When these sebaceous glands produce excess oil they may get clogged and infected. You can cleanse your cat's jaw and chin by using a cotton ball soaked in peroxide. Repeat this at least two to three times a day in order to cleanse the clogged pores.

Another reason why your cat may have developed these black heads is a hormonal imbalance. Any changes in the skin are an indication of problems with the endocrine system and these needs to be investigated. Very often cats develop acne due to plastic feeding bowls as they are very sensitive to plastic. Plastic is generally considered as the breeding ground for bacteria so it is advisable to use ceramic or steel feeding bowls instead. Always ensure that the feeding bowls are cleaned after every mean and don’t forget to wipe your cats face after meals. Depending on the severity of the cats’ acne a vet may suggest using an antibiotic soap, benzyl peroxide. Human acne pads can also be used to clean up the infection.  

If you have tried cleaning your cats face and the affected area for a few days but notice that the problem is getting worse instead of better, then take a closer look at what you are feeding your cat. Try switching over to natural organic food as the cat may have developed an allergy to his old which is probably causing him to produce more oil.

Submitted by N M on April 28, 2010 at 05:11


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