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How to treat itchy rashes on dog skin

(December 31, 2009)

The problem with dog as well as human health problems such as rashes is that the causes behind the conditions have to first be identified. Such dermatitis or inflammation could be observed in dogs for a number of reasons. One of the most widely seen causes would be some sort of flea allergy which can ultimately cause that itchy rash on dog. It can be quite a task, an almost impossible one, to keep fleas away from your beloved dog. Constant vigilance can do little when dogs can be exposed to fleas in innumerable ways. A simple stroll with your dog can result in a flea problem if they hitch a ride on the dog. In this case, keeping the home clean becomes futile and comprehensive flea treatment is the only solution. At the same time, one has to remember that dogs can get these rashes due to other causes as well. These itchy rashes could be because of some underlying health problem that your dog has. Your dog’s veterinarian should be the one to fully examine your pet and give you a better idea of what to do about these rashes. This is because generic treatments might help with the rashes, but unless underlying problems are seen to, the rashes could get worse. Moreover, if the underlying problems are ignored, they could worsen and your dog might have to contend with more serious problems than itchy rashes.

In general, it helps to look over the dog to rule out the common problem of fleas. This helps because allergies on account of flea bites are not only common in dogs but these can be controlled. If you do find fleas, your next logical step would be flea control which can be tedious but effective. This would entail treating the dog for fleas and making sure that your house and environment is free of fleas as well. You would also need to provide your dog with quality nutrition which can help him or her fight rashes. This is typically important even if the rash does not arise on account of nutritional problems. In general, keeping the dog clean in addition to dry is important when a rash erupts and this might even necessitate eliminating the fur surrounding the rash. Once the veterinarian has determined the nature of the rash you have observed on your dog, treatment becomes more effective and is often a matter of home treatment for the dog.
Submitted by M A on December 31, 2009 at 02:26


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